Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I've Got A Better Idea!

Braintree buys Jet Ski to drive Canada geese from Sunset Lake
BRAINTREE —Add another duty to the job description for workers at Sunset Lake: goose wrangler. Where border collies, fake coyotes and hunters can’t tread, there will be a new tool in the town’s ongoing battle with the fowl squatters that have taken up residence at Sunset Lake and other recreation areas: a Jet Ski.

Canada geese, the bane of groundskeepers everywhere, like water, and they dislike loud noises and being chased. So last week, Braintree’s recreation department bought one of the motorized watercraft, which will be used by lifeguards and other town employees to shoo the geese from Sunset Lake and its beach.

Hmmm. The MSRP of a Jet Ski is somewhere north of $7K. I paid $250 for this, and a box of 100 rounds of birdshot is $25. $275 vs. $7200. And people wonder why the state of Massachusetts has significant revenue shortfalls. The best part, and by "best" here I mean "dumbest", is that not only did they drop several thousand dollars on the Jet Ski but they're also going to have to pay someone to drive and maintain the Jet Ski - repeatedly, because the action of driving the Jet Ski at the geese is only a temporary solution. Open it up for hunters, sell tags, and make money on a solution that will permanently solve the problem, versus dumping thousands into a temporary solution...

MA: Proudly wasting your tax dollars so we can feel morally superior...

That is all.

Story sent by Brad_in_ma - thanks!


Wraith said...

Someone at the Parks Department not only managed to get the brass to provide a Jet-Ski(including fuel and maintenance)free of charge, but s/he gets paid to do nothing but ride it all day long?

I don't know who that person is, but s/he's FAR from stupid!!

Roger said...

How about 23 cub scout volunteers and 2000 rds of .22 long rifle ammo? H*** I'd even donate the ammo.

Anonymous said...

Stop talking common sense with the "hunting" of said critters!
Whats the matter with you?
Spending less to solve a problem when your Guv'mint can spend much more and create, more, Guv'mint ineptitude and waste?
Plus think of another Guv'mint job being created!!
You best be careful.
The black helicopters will be over your house and you will be in trouble! Err more trouble!

B Smith said...

I have a relative who lives in a duplex with a pond on the grounds. He says that those little $3.50 gas-station laser-pointers drive geese absolutely apeshit. Being less perverse/ more mature than me, he doesn't get the same kicks as I would by sitting on his deck drinking beer and f*cking with the varmints, though.

Hat Trick said...

What's MA law on harassing wildlife? Here in Illinois the DNR would bust them the first time they pointed the jet ski toward the geese.

This situation is why the "metro" barrels for shotguns were developed. Extra long barrel extension that screws in in place of the choke. Use downloaded shells and they don't make any more noise than a loud air rifle. The bleeding hearts will never know you're out there shooting geese.

The amount of goose crap around our subdivision pond makes me want to take up goose hunting. You have to wash your shoes off after you've been out there fishing.

Peripatetic Engineer said...

Import some Cajuns and they'll shoot, clean and cook those geese in no time. Goose problem solved, and you'll have a nice meal to boot!

skidmark said...

I always heard that you cannot shoot or otherwise harass Canada geese because they are classified as migratory waterfowl. I seem to recall a case or two (in Taxachusetts, no less) where a golfer was prosecuted for hitting one with an errant drive (or was it the goose was where it should not have been?)

I know you can get a nuisance tag for deer that are destroying crops (unfortunately your home garden does not qualify)but can you get one for geese? I'm thinking the local homeless shelter might have a few new faces around the dinner table if you could get away with that.

ZerCool said...

#7-1/2 or #8 shot (what's usually in those $25/100-round value packs) makes geese chortle. I think it tickles them.

If you're hunting geese with lead shot (illegal now, of course) the preferred size used to be #2 or so. With steel, most people move up to BB or BBB. Usually in 3.5" 12ga loads or a 10ga.

You've missed the obvious answer, though.

Punt guns.

Adam said...

The worst part of this story is that myself and my friends PAY to shoot geese and would, for FREE take care of the problem. Goose gumbo is pretty damn good.

We all shoot 3.5" magnum BB or #2. Our favorite load lately is #2 Federal Black Cloud. $18 for 25, but has the knock down power of high dollar tungsten loads.