Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Marlin Perkins Got Nothin' on Me...

First it was deer. Now it's turkeys:


Caught this guy strolling through my neighbor's yard while I was out taking pictures of my new grill over the weekend. Shortly after I got this picture, he took off - yes, turkeys can fly for short distances, and watching them take off is a matter for mirth. They're rather like a large, overladen sea plane - they take exaggeratedly long runs, spool up the engines something fierce, then bounce a couple of times before actually taking fully to the air...

You see, Art Carlson was correct in his belief that turkeys could fly...

That is all.


JD said...

hell ya they fly! You should have heard my wife scream when one flew out of a pine tree near the house and strafed her. . .

Atom Smasher said...

"They're hitting the ground like bags of wet cement!"

Stretch said...

"Oh the humanity!"

Funniest single episode in TV history

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. They can fly.
Years ago when I lived in SE Minnesota, hills, woods and streams. I would take my Brittany for walks behind our house. Which being on the edge of town. backed by a steep wooded hill made for some great hikes. Anyhow the dog was "birdy" had a good nose, but was used to hunting pheasents and there were not to many in this coountry.
But as we walked through a nice grove of Oaks and assorted other trees he suddenly got very "birdy" I worked him in close to a pile of brush not sure what to expect.
Well two turkeys came thundering out the otherside, got airborne and the dog sat back on his haunches and looked at me like "WTF? Birdzilla? Those are the biggest damn birds I have ever seen!" Then he gave me his "Well shoot them you dumby" look... sigh no could do that day.

Patrick said...

Love that show... even better since it was Cincy, 80 miles south of me (at the time). My dad went to school in Dayton with Gordon and his sister.

Stretch is right. Great episode.

BillH said...

Friends of ours showed us a video of 6 or 7 turkeys gorging on the spillage around their bird feeder. When they were finished they walked up the hill 10 yards or so, turned around, and one by one ran down the hill until they hit "escape velocity", lifted off, and flew into the treeline at the edge of the property. Funiest home movie I've ever seen.

Weer'd Beard said...


Chris said...

So where are the pictures of it on the new grill?

jimbob86 said...

Lumbering Seaplanes?

You must have obese citified turkeys ..... Meleagris Gallopavo Fatassus, mehbee?

I hunt the Merriams and hybrid Easterns in South Centaral Nebraska, and have seen them jump 6 feet straight up and fly out of standing corn, or into a roost tree on many occasions. Oh, and DON'T wrestle with one, even if he's mortally wounded: He'll beat your ass black and blue. Don't ask.....

Kevin said...



Anonymous said...

That's why everyone should own a suppressed .22, heh, heh, heh.