Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Seriously, WTF?

Commenter skidmark sent me this little gem. Michael Graham highlights teh silly here:

MA Liberals Discover The “Wonder, Curiosity and Joy” Of Parking Enforcement

Which links to the original story here:

Cambridge art project turns your parking tickets into poetry
Cambridge —Instead of responding to that parking citation you got on Cambridge Street with frustration, tears or rage, try the city’s latest suggestion for handling that unwanted ticket: do some yoga.

Starting this week, the city of Cambridge has been handing out redesigned parking ticket envelopes that feature a revamped method of receiving a parking citation. Part of a public works project called “Crossing Non-Signalized Locations,” the envelopes adorned with yoga poses are an attempt to bring out the poetry in parking enforcement.

Seriously, go read the whole thing. If you can make it through the entire article without either breaking out in maniacal laughter or throwing something across the room, you're doing better than me... I think this was my favorite part:
In addition to the envelopes, the installation includes three other components, all meant to bring warmth and wonder to the world of parking regulations.
Because, you know, if there's anything I thought needed more warmth and wonder, it was receiving a citation for parking illegally.

That is all.


wolfwalker said...

I didn't even get through your description of it without LOLing.

There is really no limit to the cluelessness of Masshole public officials, is there?

PISSED said...

Cambridge.... I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit... just to be sure.... (ripley)

Julie said...

i found it via tam and i thought it was um, well, um, 'different' ... and a total waste of money!

Stretch said...

The yoga is to keep you limber so they can bend you over and ... well, you know.

Paul, Dammit! said...

Well, something new for my parakeet to carpet-bomb, I guess, but then again, I live 12 miles outside the city, and have been there only four times in the last 10 years.

libertyman said...

This is really a hoax, right? A "resident artist" for meter maids? Will we have new parking tickets every week? Tell me this is a gag.

Old NFO said...

WTF over??? Are they serious?