Friday, November 19, 2010

Borepatch Send-Off Dinner Update...

It's positively amazing what you can pull together in a day... Yesterday I put up an impromptu notice about a get-together for my #1 Blogson, who is escaping the Volksrepublik for Free America next week. At this time yesterday, we didn't even have a date, let alone a time or a location. With a little bit of luck, a whole lot of motivation, and a little legwork, I think we have a pretty workable plan... Here are the specifics:

What: Northeast Blogger Send-Off for Borepatch

When: Saturday, November 20th, 5:00 PM

Where: Brewery Exchange, Lowell MA

Why: Come say goodbye to yet another Northeast blogger fleeing the Volksrepublik of MA for freer climes.


Borepatch (possible the lovely Mrs. Borepatch?)
Doubletrouble & the lovely Mrs. Doubletrouble
SCI-FI & the lovely B
your humble host

Blogson #3

That's 8 of us - I've been to the Brewery Exchange and that shouldn't be any trouble finding a table to hold everyone. If we get more folks interested - and there is plenty of room at the Brewery - I'd prefer to call ahead sometime Saturday early afternoon. The Brewery also has pool tables, so perhaps after we eat we can socialize over some pocket billiards; otherwise there's plenty of room to sit, enjoy a refreshing adult beverage, and wish our friend well in the next stage of his life's journey.

In any case, feel free to stop by the Brewery to say "au revoir" to Borepatch before he heads off to freedom.

That is all.


JD said...

ARRRG! Wife is working so I have kidlets to watch. . . Gonna miss ya BP. Wish I was escaping too!

Jay G said...

JD, Brewery Exchange is kid-friendly - I brought TheBoy there last summer before we went to the Spinners game.

Just a thought...

Colin said...

I'll probably be able to make it. Update tonight.

doubletrouble said...

A man, a plan, a conundrum- Borepatch!

Borepatch said...

Jay, thanks. This means a lot. There's not much I'll miss about Massachusetts, but I'll definitely miss you guys.

Colin said...


libertyman said...

I am going to stop by briefly -- there won't be any hippies there will there?

Jay G said...

Okay, just got off the phone with the Brewery Exchange. They will have a table for 12 for "JayG" as of 5 o'clock. I'm going to try to get there a little early, so look for the shaved head biker...