Thursday, November 18, 2010

Terrifying Travel Tales Tonight!

Tonight Breda and I take on the TSA and other idiocy. Plus Thanksgiving!

We'll be chatting about bad TSA experiences (since I've flown exactly once since 9/11 I don't have any to speak of, but I know Breda's had enough for both of us), the repeated and maddening claims that "Oh, we know this violates the Fourth Amendment but tough noogies", the idea of "opting out", and other subjects related to the recent events involving airport "security" (also known as grope-fest, pornoscan, and/or "don't touch my junk").

Tonight. 8:00 PM EST on BB & Guns on Blogtalk Radio. Be there.

That is all.


Mike said...

While I agree that the TSA is stupid and it's all about "doing something" instead of making anyone safer, it's really not that bad. I've made something around 20 round trips by air this year (and ~15 the year before) and I dislike the hassle, but it's not as bad as many people make it out to be.

I've also never been subject to any secondary search by TSA (except for ID checks at the gate, which are very rare now but used to happen a lot in late 2001), so I don't for a minute believe that they do them at random or view everyone as an equal threat. I don't know the stats on how often they do extra checks, so it's hard to quantify this, but it does seem odd that they never suspect me if they suspect everyone else.

In summary, the TSA sucks, but not as much or for the reasons most people cite.

location espagne piscine said...

I like your blog.Thanks for the innovative story about the usage of TSA scanner.Hope you have enjoy in your thanks giving travel.i have to travel to Europe at that time.