Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Northeast Bloggers Third Annual Winter Social Update, Part II

Time for another update! Christmas is ten days away; New Years a week after, and the week after that is our tentative winter meeting. Original post is here, update here. First, the basics:

? Northeast Blogger Winter Gathering.

Who? Any and all bloggers, commenters, readers, lurkers, etc. in the Northeast area, or those passing through, or anyone crazy enough to show up.

When? Saturday, January 8th. Time TBD, thinking between 6 and 7 PM for a start.

Where? I think Jillian's Billiards in Manchester, NH (where we had the dinner last year) would be good. It's centrally located for our northern bloggers and commenters; it's only a half-hour north of the MA border off I-93; and there's a pool hall we can retire to once dinner has been consumed.

Why? Folks getting together to enjoy good food, great beer, and superlative company. Bring your appetite, a whistle for wetting, and your best stories to tell.


Cher & Mopar
Weer'd Beard
Doubletrouble (and Mrs.?)



Eleven definites and seven possibles. That's a right manageable group right there. Even if everyone shows up, we still have a small enough group to fit around a large(ish) table and can monopolize 2-3 pool tables afterwards. I expect we'll be there until the late evening/early morning, although as always folks can and will come and go as they please. Folks can also show up unannounced, of course, but you run the risk of missing out on schwag that way...

If everyone listed above - and anyone who adds their name to the guest list - can shoot me an e-mail, I have something I would like to suggest "off the record". Contact me for details.

I think we have a time and a location, let's start turning the "maybes" into "willbes"...

That is all.


libertyman said...

There is a gun show a few hundred yards away that day, and also Manchester Firing Line not very far away at all.

Anonymous said...

We'll need to talk more about that gunshow! :) Where is it being held, LM?
Is the date locked in then? I'd like to book a room for the night. There is a nice hotel within reasonable walking distance (unless we have a blizzard again) we stayed at last time but it was a little pricey. Think there was another a bit farther away but like $50 cheaper. Gotta check that out!

libertyman said...

Mopar -- it is at the Radisson Hotel, Center of NH -- just a few steps away. Look at DiPrete Promotions website for details.

Brad_in_IL said...


If the new gig which you're going to announce later this week doesn't pan out, you could always apply for a job as a cruise director or professional party planner. I can see it now . . . JayG: Wedding Planner for the discriminating 2A enthusiast.

Anonymous said...

Well, now I remember why I didnt stay at the Radisson last time:

Limited outdoor parking available for oversized vehicles (parking charges vary)

$110 a night and they want to charge me even more to park?

libertyman said...

Mopar -- try out by the airport - there is Hotel 8 and others as well. Manchester Firing Line is right there. It is not a long hop from the airport to Jillian's or wherever we end up. Will you be there one night or two?

Chad said...


I'll be planning on attending.

SCI-FI said...

SCI-FI and B are in.

LWJ said...

I may be able to make it.

Wally said...

Heck, Jay thought of everything, even planning a gun show for us!

Paul, Dammit! said...

Ugh. I'm out. I'm taking over as captain of a new rig in NY, changed my schedule around... won't be home until Jan 20th.

doubletrouble said...

I'm working the gun show at the Radisson that weekend, so I'm in. Not sure whether or not the Mrs. will attend.

TOTWTYTR said...

A "manageable group"? Where? Who?