Friday, December 17, 2010

They Don't Learn...

Friend, blogger I've met, and blogshoot attendee MedicMatthew sends in the latest addition to the DGC:

Police: Would-Be Robber Killed By Dormont Store Worker
DORMONT, Pa. -- Police said a would-be robber was shot and killed by an auto store worker in Dormont Thursday morning.

The shooting happened at Bill's Auto Parts along West Liberty Avenue around 11 a.m.

Now, not to stereotype or anything, but I've known a fair number of guys who work in the automotive supply business. None of them were little guys - you really can't be, in that line of work (engine parts are heavy!). To say nothing of the fact that there are any number of crowbars, prybars, tire irons, etc. that would make handy cudgels for one inclined to defend one's self and it's hard to see why any criminal would choose such an establishment.

But then again, if they were smart they'd have jobs rather than knocking over retails stores for cash, right?

Dead Goblin Count: 106

That is all.


Brad_in_IL said...

Check your email. While this story is indeed heart-warming, I think you will quite enjoy what awaits you.

- Brad

Arthur said...

heh, I read that as 'Dormant Store Worker' and thought "well robbing someone while they hibernate should be low risk, right?"

Ross said...

I, too, sent you something for the DGC, Jay.

BTW... "None of them were little guys - you really can't be, in that line of work (engine parts are heavy!)."

O RLY?? No one has ever mistaken me for a big guy and I put in a year working at an auto parts place when I was 19. "It's not the size of the dog in the fight that counts, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

Jay G said...

Brad, got it and it's coming up next.

Arthur, I read the same thing!

Ross, while you might not be the tallest guy around, you are by no means a small man. And I mean that as the highest compliment.

Dwight Brown said...

You're having a very good morning, aren't you, Jay?

I emailed you one for the DGC, too: I also posted the link on my own blog.

(I'm just hoping I didn't send you the same one Brad did.)

Anonymous said...

I put in probably 1/2 my adult life in that line of work (more wholesale and machine shop then retail though), and I was a lot smaller back then (ok, well, 75-100lbs lighter at least), though never a little guy. Most of that time was spent in urban, inner city type enviroments and the only problems we had were shop lifters and night time break ins. NEVER had any violent crime.

Anonymous said...

And now for your count....

A 3-For-the-price-of one: