Sunday, January 30, 2011

Holy Time Sink Batman!

Wow. Just wow. Stay away from FML, Intimacy category unless you have several hours to kill and no one to frighten with uproarious laughter...

Although it is comforting to know I'm not alone...

That is all.


ASM826 said...

Funny, sad, pathetic.


Home on the Range said...

Jim got me started on that, and I've wasted more than a few hours reading, and snorting coffee.

The only entry I could have added was the time I answered the door wearing nothing but Saran Wrap and a smile and my husband said "what, leftovers again?" FML

Robert McDonald said...

I'm glad I don't have to work today.

Veeshir said...

I read FML every now and then.
It just reinforces how scummy people are.
Kids are shocked that their parents cleaned out their bank account, girls write about how some boyfriend humiliated them in the break up, kids who are whining about how they stole from someone and that person had the nerve to respond somehow, drunks doing stupid things and whining.

I think of it as the soundtrack to the Funniest End of Civilization Ever.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Sounds like the stuff I had to listen to at my college between classes when I just wanted to have a smoke. Another good reason to quit.

Old NFO said...

Oh boy, something to kill time at the airport with :-)