Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yeah, That's About Right...

As we stare down the barrel of SNOWMAGEDDON IV (V?), stickman sends in this graphic which captures it perfectly at this point:

Heh. Yeah, it helps to be from MA to get all of that - like the "probably in Florida" part, that's Cape Cod, which has a higher-than-average retired population - but if you were to change out that map for pretty much anywhere on the eastern seaboard, or the central states for that matter, something tells me it would apply the same. We're looking at 15-20" from this latest 1-2 punch, on top of an existing 2+ feet of snow already. And February *just* started - spring is a helluva long way off.

All I can say is that if that damn groundhog sees his shadow today, someone better turn him into a stew.

That is all.


Lissa said...

Dude. What did New England DO to get Mother Nature so pissed? Y'all are getting SPANKED this winter!!

Chad said...

Apparently Mother Nature doesn't like gun control laws...Vermont and New Hampshire haven't gotten hammered nearly as hard as the rest of the region.

Brad_in_IL said...


I hear there's too much snow on the ground in Western PA for that overgrown rat to have seen its shadow. As for stew . . . I'll stick with my Irish lamb, potato and leek stew that I make with a couple bottles of Newcastle Brown. Couple bottles in the stew, couple bottles in me . . .

- Brad

ViolentIndifference said...

Breaking groundhog results:

Weer'd Beard said...

The snow I shoveled last grew back!

Jay G said...

Same thing happened here, Weerd. The snow I shoveled last night? Here in the morning.

Snow I shoveled at 5AM? Already back, and it brought friends...


Is it spring yet?

Jennifer said...

Stay warm up there. And yeah, that dammed ground hog better see his shadow.

Bob H said...

54° and sun this afternoon just outside DC. We had rain all night. If not for a fortuitous warm front from the south the DC Metro area would be closed for a week.