Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Riddle Me This...

Gas prices are hovering between $3.40 and $3.50 a gallon in my neck of the woods. They've been increasing steadily for the past few weeks.

1. Is this due to Ă˜bama's oil cronies like it was when prices rose under GWB?

2. Where's the media on the skyrocketing gas prices now?

These are called "rhetorical questions" for a reason...

That is all.


North said...

You are unlikely to get rhetorical answers.


wolfwalker said...

Totally off topic, but you have GOT to see this:


(Hat tip to the LawDog, whence I found the video)

Steve said...

NewsBusters has got you covered, Jay.

Mikael said...

I think it's the whole thing about Bush starting a bunch of trouble in the middle east, and Obama... well not so much anyway.

On the other hand the real reason for the big gas cost increase in cost during Bush's presidency was due to commodity futures trading by wall street douchebags.

Steve said...

Answer to question 1: Yes, but not the obvious. Printing Zetuni bucks has devalued the dollar to the point of inflating the price of food and energy something like 60% in the past year. The ministry of truth pretty much ignored the price of gas rising and totally ignored food prices. The shiite storm in the middle east started as food riots.

Stretch said...

If standards are good double standards must be better.

Jay G said...

*BUSH* started a bunch of trouble in the middle east?

Revisionist history much? Every president since, well, the creation of Israel has been involved in the middle east.

Bush finished the trouble started by his father and perpetuated by his Democratic predecessor. Sure, "War for Oil" and "Bush lied, people died" made for great soundbites and bumperstickers, but only if you don't let things like facts or truth get in the way...

Anonymous said...

YIKES. I purposely bought gas at the base, as it is roughly 10 cents cheaper than what's going on off-base.

$3.09's still a bite, though. My husband and I are fortunate that we live less than 10 miles from our respective work spots.

Old NFO said...

Commodities trading... period... Stop that crap, you get stable (affordable) prices...

aczarnowski said...

Asked that question myself in mixed company recently. I have it on friendly authority that it's still Bush's fault.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Looks like the AP is covering it... sort of.

Of course, they are trying to make him look at least a little crazy, without being too obvious about it.