Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Numbers! We Got Numbers!

Wally sends in this link to preliminary numbers from the ATF on firearms sales last year.

In a nutshell, there were 2.2 million semi-automatic pistols sold, 546K revolvers, 1.8 million rifles, and 743K shotguns. As a general rule, 5% or less were exported - with the notable exception of miscellaneous (which most likely refers to NFA firearms). 59K were manufactured, 16,700 were exported - more than a quarter left the country. Given that a huge chunk of those NFA guns are Department of Education short-barreled shotguns, that's a pretty impressive number to be leaving the US.

Then again, those Mexican cartels gotta get their machine guns from somewhere, right?

That is all.


Wally said...

To either nitpick or walk into your ploy, Gunwalker guns would not be shown as 'exports' on this report. Those guns were sold retail in the US, and not legitimately exported through ATF's proper (?) channels.

FrankC said...

The brain he boggle!
Why does the Department of Education need short-barreled shotguns? Are schoolkids really that out of control?

w/v "undomo" Out of the house?

Anonymous said...

Frank, they need to do SWAT style no-knock raids on the homes of people who have defaulted on their student loans.