Friday, September 16, 2011

You Know What I Need?

A tactical pen:

Pen *and* grenade!

I was introduced to the TuffWriter line of tactical pens yesterday, getting a notice in e-mail about the addition of TuffWriter to one of the marketing firms whose list I'm on (hey, I can be on good lists, too!). The concept is intriguing - I know Unc swears by his tactical pen - because I always have a pen on my person (hey, I'm in sales!), so it makes sense to have something that'll serve two purposes.

They have a section for reviews - wonder if they'd like to send one for me to play with put through its paces?

That is all.


Phil L. said...

My only problem with things like this: I'm just as likely to lose it as I am any other pen. Which is why I don't carry good pens around...

Bubblehead Les. said...

Hmmm. Going to my buddies Surplus Store today to pick up my new Man Bag, errr, "Tactical Shoulder Pack", that is. Wonder what he has in stock vis-a-vis Stabby Writing Utensils?

BobG said...

But it doesn't have a rail or a bayonet lug. How can it be tactical?

Dave H said...

My biggest worry would be shelling out $80 for one then having it confiscated at the airport.

I agree with BobG - it at least needs a laser.

Steve said...

Check out the Zebra F-402. About four bucks for two of them at Wally World. Stainless steel, pointy, refillable.

TheAxe said...

Get the pen from Goldeneye.

Comrade Misfit said...

How about a Fisher spacepen? Pressurized ink capsule, they work, and they;re lots cheaper.

Matt Pallett said...

I have been carrying tactical pens for a long time. My favorite at the moment is the Benchmade. It has been through many xray machines and never been taken.