Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You Might Be A Gun Nut If...

...you're looking at your gas grill and thinking to yourself, "Wow. I really need to pull this all apart and give it a good thorough scrubbing. There's grease and debris and caked-on BBQ sauce on the flavor bars; the bottom of the grill needs a good degreasing..." You start going over the process by which you're going to take it apart, listing the tools needed and the various cleaners and degreasers, etc.

And you follow it up with, "Okay, it needs a detail strip rather than a field strip".

That is all.


Dave H said...

And you follow it up with, "Okay, it needs a detail strip rather than a field strip"

Actually I was wondering what five gallons of mineral spirits would cost. It works great on cosmoline; I bet it'll do just as well on hog fat.

Weer'd Beard said...

I just detail strip mine...they run better dirty! :)

Alan said...

I treat my grill like I treat my gun. As long as the crud doesn't impair function there's no need to clean.

TOTWTYTR said...

I never thought of it that way, but that's precisely what I did earlier this year.