Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You're Kidding Me...

A sales call? At 8:20 at night? Not just no but OH HELL NO. If you can't be bothered to call at a reasonable hour (like an hour and a half ago), don't bother.

Doing bad marketing is worse than doing no marketing, and calling people while they're trying to get kids in bed is very bad marketing indeed...

That is all.

UPDATE: It gets even better. We got another call - from an organization with which we've done business in the past - about 25 minutes later. Yes, this organization actually called us at quarter to nine at night to ask why we'd let our membership lapse...


Unknown said...

If I have time, I ask them to repeat their company's name, and I assure them that company will never have my business.

It ain't much, but it's a statement.

Bruce H. said...

I don't answer the phone unless I'm expecting a call from somebody I want to talk to. Otherwise the answering machine picks up after two rings, and 85+% of my callers don't leave a message.

Sebastian said...

I fail to see why telemarketing should be legal in the first place actually. Same with junk mail for that matter. We get more than enough advertising whenever we go out, doesn't seem unreasonable to have total sanctity in one's home.

Rabbit said...

I don't have friends with 800- numbers. If I don't recognize your number and there's questionable (or outright spoofed) data on the caller ID, leave a voicemail. In English.

Paul, Dammit! said...

Aren't you on the 'do not call' list?

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

@ Paul: I work at a law firm that's on the do not call list, and we get telemarketing calls!

If they won't let it keep them from calling obvious lawyers (who don't have to pay someone else to file the lawsuit), it won't stop them from calling anyone else, either.

It's like any other law, it reduces the banned behaviour, but it can't eliminate it. Some of them just decide that the risk that someone might make the effort to sue is worth the number of customers they do end up gaining.