Friday, December 9, 2011

CCW PSH: Not Just For MA...

Stretch sends in this interesting article out of "Wild West" Florida, of all places...

With new gun law, Florida lawmakers can now hit panic button
TALLAHASSEE — Metal detectors at the entrance of the state Capitol help protect Florida lawmakers. Security personnel watch over every committee meeting.

But two months after a new law made it easier to bring concealed guns into the Capitol, the Senate security force has installed special alert buttons on the phone of every senator and staffer.
You see, before, when a CCW refused to hand over their CCW piece, they would be escorted through the building. Now they will no longer have that escort. This is the reason for a "panic button". Apparently, the absense of an escort will allow the evil gun mind control rays to work on the otherwise law-abiding CCW, who will then go on a shooting rampage.

Magic thinking at work here, folks. The law-abiding folks who have CCW permits are just about the last group of folks you have to worry about. Sure, there's a handful that misuse their firearms every year, but you'll find, time and time again, that the level of overall violence (not just that performed with a firearm) is an order of magnitude lower for CCW holders over the population in general. These are the last folks lawmakers need to be concerned with - they're far less likely to break the law than anyone else, up to and including the police officer escorts...

On a perverse level, it's nice to see that the stupidity towards guns and concealed carry holders is not geographically limited...

That is all.


Dave H said...

"At the touch of a button, an unseen officer in the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Office can instantly monitor a conversation in Senate offices and respond if needed."

This makes me think it's about more than security. Maybe it's also about providing a witness to a conversation.

Anonymous said...

Politicians always find a way to bring fear to the forefront. If they didn't make something up and placate a very few special interest groups they would be voted out. Politicians fear losing an election even if there is small voter turn out. The real problem here is the politicians own fear.

I am willing to bet that if the CCW laws are anything there like they are here in Idaho then these politicians have made exemptions to the rule for themselves and feel they are the ONLY ones responsible to carry concealed and without training too.

Starting to feel safer already, I feel safe by avoiding these places and having to remove a weapon. Given that most of the "security" officers at most courtrooms I know of are retired police officers who are supplementing social security and couldn't pass a PT test if given one and no doubt nap on the job (yes, I have seen that as well). I would be concerned with the timely response after pressing that button.

Oh and the incident in AZ Mr. Politician was the result of a non CCW holding mentally unstable individual.


TinCan Assassin said...

Silly politicians. They're not first on my list. It's the bureaucrat at the DMV....

.45ACP+P said...

This is one of the times I enjoy being in Virginia. Going through the metal detectors at the General Assembly building could hardly be easier. Hand the Guard your permit as you enter. Metal detector goes off. They ask where you are carrying and then wand you. Total reaction form the guards: meh. They will of coure fully inspect a purse or briefcase or backpack. Now if we can only get Constitutional Carry

TOTWTYTR said...

Texas publishes the stats on criminal activity by CHL holders. They break it down by type of conviction and compare it to the general population.

I know you'll be shocked, shocked, I say, to find that way less than 1% of the crimes in Wild West Texas are committed by CHL holders. That's all crimes, not just violent crimes.

So, who is the greater danger to the public?

TBeck said...

As if any of them were worth it! Sheesh, get over yourselves.

Anonymous said...

We need something like this installed in the New Hampshire State House. If a lawmaker forgets his or her carry piece, they simply hit the panic button and a House staffer will get a loaner gun and holster to that person to carry while they're on the premises.

- NH State Rep. Bruce MacMahon

(put my name in there to avoid the PitA "choose and identity" nonsense)