Well, we ordered it on Black Friday, and it was finally shipped yesterday. Here's what we came home to:

Yeah. Best Buy shipped it in the original container via UPS Ground, who left it on our covered porch. I can't blame UPS here - that's how it was picked up at Best Buy after all - but would it kill Best Buy to throw in a couple bucks' worth of cardboard so that it's not sitting naked on a porch all day long? I know that Dell for a long time shipped their PCs in plain unmarked boxes because the "Dell" marked packages often went missing - it's a good thing that our sleepy little 'burb is relatively free of that sort of thing.
I'm glad I didn't order a $3,000 3D LED TV though...
That is all.
Now Jay, you 'know' it's all about profit margin... that .75 cent wrap would have just killed their profit. Your loss? Well, maybe your homeowners would have covered it... or not...
BTW the wife is at home setting up the Dell faximale to that unit.
She just called to say she likes it.
Old NFO,
You know, I wondered about that. We had been notified a few days ago that it had shipped; sometime early next week we would have followed up on it.
I'm just trying to think of how that conversation would have gone, had it disappeared...
I suspect that Best Buy would have spent a LOT more than the cost of a cardboard box just checking on the missing shipment.
We're going to wait until after Christmas and then set the new computer up. It looks great, though; I suspect for our needs it will be fine.
Sure will be nice to have multiple PCs again. I think TheBoy might even get the Eee...
At least they (hopefully) didn't just toss it up there. One reason I refuse to use DHL to ship anything is because they tossed a phone I had ordered onto my 2nd storey balcony. I had no idea it was out there and fought with the company who insisted it had been "delivered". Assholes.
And I agree, the lack of a box or some kind of plain wrapping is ridiculous.
Strange. Didn't Dell require a signature for the shipment? Normally electronics like that aren't just left out on the porch.
When I bought my 32 inch flat screen a few years back I had it shipped to my parents instead of my place.
UPS put the plain old box, no wrapping, on the driveway in full view of everyone.
Same problem here man. I ordered 3k worth of various caliber ammo from Cabela's. I happened to be out of the house when they dropped it off. Right on my porch, big boxes labeled "Cabellas" and FRAGILE... in my hood???? WTF...
Next order I made I made it specific to get a signature or I'll pick it up at their place... morons.
I like the details of the photo, particularly the Daddy Bear, the Mommy Bear, and the Baby Bear sized snow shovels waiting to the side. Because hiding them in the garage would just make it snow harder.
We have a large flower pot near our front door that is the perfect shield to keep packages from being visible from the street. Our UPS delivery guy is really good about placing them behind that pot. The one time he had a large box that would not fit behind the pot, he left it with the folks across the street who he knew worked out of their home, and left us a note telling us where it was at.
But then we live in a small town where if a delivery guy abuses a package he will probably hear about it the next time he is standing in the line at the grocery store.
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