Yep, Ruger sent me their LCR (Lightweight Compact Revolver) in .38 Special (the .357 Magnum is not yet MA-approved; I intend to beg ask for one of those as a side-by-side comparison to the Snubbie from Hell™ when that happens). It's a five shot .38 Special revolver, double action only, +P rated, with a bit of a twist: a polymer frame. It weighs an ounce and a half less than my Airweight model 38 with the aluminum frame and an ounce and a half more than the Scandium/Titanium Snubbie from Hell™.
Should be an interesting review indeed...
That is all.
Perfect little gift for the wife!. Now to find a wife.
Not a bad little gun.
And a great price.
I like mine. I will say that it will sting the hand with +P loads.
Compared to my other snubbie, a Colt Detective Special 4th Ed., it is snappier but has a better trigger pull with much less stacking.
If you do get one for yourself, I might suggest either getting with the XS Sights Standard Dot sight or adding it later.
Tell them to make it in 9mm. plz...
(and bring back the PC9.)
John - It will sting the hand of a normal human being with +P, I'm sure. Jay, on the other hand, routinely pounds on his hand with a ball-peen hammer to relax at the end of a hard day, and grins a maniacal Italian grin at the thought of a Scandium wheelgun in .577 T-Rex.
He will likely call the recoil "noticeable." Perhaps even "moderate."
AM considering switching to this or an SP101 for my daily carry.
Know them, do not know a lot about S&W's.
I shoot revolvers so much better then my daily carry a Kahr CW9 and for the life of me I cannot figure out why, neither can a shooting friend whom is ex military and shoots quite well as we practiced the other night.
Money is tight so hoping I can find a good trade.
I'm looking forward to your review of this. I purchased the .357 model LCR on Black Friday, and just had a chance to get out and try it tonight. With .38 Special cartridges, it has a very comfortable recoil. .357, on the other hand, is pretty harsh. It's not as bad as the S&W airweight I shot a few years ago, but you definitely know you're shooting .357s. I brought a friend with. He tried it out, and after the first shot, turned back to me and dropped an F-bomb. He had to set it down and shake off the sting in his hand twice just to get through the 5 shots. On the video I took, you can hear me chuckling through the whole thing.
That being said, this is still going to be my primary carry gun, replacing the Glock 23 I've been carrying. I have a holster from a custom manufacturer on order and can't wait for it to arrive. And, yes, I will be carrying with .357s. Oh, and for a DAO, the trigger pull is like butter. The one problem I've experienced while dry firing is that it's a little bit too easy to short stroke the trigger pull, but that's nothing that a little practice shouldn't cure.
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