Thursday, August 16, 2007

And Speaking of Being a Gun Nut...

...Might as well include the context. Ahab put up a post detailing how much ammo he keeps on hand. He has a "system" for having ammo on hand based on when he goes shooting. An admirable system, indeed.

I have a system, too. I buy at least one box of ammo every single time I walk into a store that sells ammo. Now, it might just be a bulk pack of .22LR, but I get something every single time.

I have at least 500 - 1000 rounds for anything that I shoot more than once a year (which, sadly, isn't very much). .38 special, 9mm, .357 Magnum, .40 S&W, .45 ACP, 7.62X39mm, and 12 gauge are all PHD'd (Piled High & Deep). .22LR, well, let's just leave it that I would honestly have to work at it to even make a dent in my .22LR stockpile. All I'll say is that all MGLs are followed with regard to how much one is allowed to store in one's domicile... ;)

Why? Because I don't put it past the filthy rat-bastard gun-grabbers to go after ammo rather than the guns. And with ammo prices rising, along with rumors of "microstamping" nonsense, it doesn't bode well.

Plus I need brass for when I FINALLY start reloading...


Anonymous said...

You know...that's a great idea.

I'm going to have to start doing that (buying a box of ammo every time I'm in a store that sells it).

Currently, I only keep a stockpile of ammo for my SHTF and personal defense firearms. I try to keep a (500rd) case on hand for each of them...that's a case of 7.63x39 (carbine...urban use) a case of .30-06 (battle rifle) and a case of .45acp (self defense/fight my way to my rifle)

That's a minimum of 1500 rounds.

Why shouldn't I have stockpiles of ammo for my other rifles and pistols as backup? No good reason that I can think of.

You've sold me. I'm instituting your system starting today...I especially like the "I need brass for when I start reloading". I can use that one on the wife who knows I've been kicking around the reloading idea for a while now.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to count how much ammo I have, that way when the wife asks I can say honestly "I don't know". The same method works for guns. Ignorance is bliss.

Anonymous said...

I have a rough idea on the amount... let's just say that in his system I'd have to give away some ammo or buy more guns to make my numbers match...

Joe r.

Jay G said...


Y'know, the thought of inspiring someone else to buy more ammo just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Be sure to buy a box of hollowpoints - Black Talons if you can find 'em - and think of all the gun grabbers crying and gnashing their teeth...


I couldn't even estimate how much ammo I have. I have a good idea of how many guns I own (hint: more than Mrs. G. knows about but less than I want...) ;)

Hey, I still have that AK in pieces. I took a closer look at it when I was cleaning my VEPR and it looks like the pins holding the trigger and hammer came loose. Don't know if that helps any, but we need to get together soon anyways... :)


I'm always in favor of buying more guns. In fact, I've been meaning to pick up a couple of boxes of .32 ACP so I have a reason to get a Colt Pocket Auto... ;)

The Duck said...

I have about 42K stored, & will PU another 5000 this week (22lr)
& another 1000 9mm next week along with another case of 22LR
So by Sept 1st I should have 53-55K
With about 15K being 22's
8K 223 10k 9mm etc