Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Open Question...

...for those folks who believe that the eeeevil Chimpy McHaliburton is in collusion with the even eeeeeviler "Big Oil" to raise the price of consumer gasoline to further increase the "Big Oil" profits:

Do you think that, if Obama wins in November, gas prices at the pump will:
a. Start going down, as Obama's policies will not be as favorable to the big oil companies;
b. Stay the same, because the damage by BushhitlerCo. has already been done but at least Obamessiah will stop the madness; or
c. Continue increasing.

Be careful with response "c", as it treads dangerously close to admitting that Bush had little-to-nothing to do with the price of oil. It's also the most likely scenario, given that gasoline prices have been rising since the late 1990s...

That is all.


Peripatetic Engineer said...

OPEC will start to force the price down by increasing supply. KSA has already called for a meet on that topic. KSA knows that if the price does not come down, consumers will buy fuel efficient cars, use public trnaportation and find alternative fuels. All of those things will cut into OPECs income. They have a vested interest in keeping the world hungry for their product and need to keep the price within a range that makes other forms of energy uneconomic compared to oil.

RW said...

Keep in mind that many (most?) of those same people said that we went into Iraq in order to steal their oil for those same oil companies that are charging record-prices due to decreased supplies.

Or, in short, they're a pack of blithering idiots, but that's non-PC to say. :)

Bush's second term is a miserable failure, but he has nothing to do with the price of oil. That said, anyone who lists a bunch of "solutions" with the usual items such as increasing CAFE stds, alternative fuels (where?when?how?), mass transit (good luck), and others which are just fine, but which leaves out increasing our domestic supplies (ie, drilling/refineries) and building massive numbers of nuclear plants is a party hack and a damn fool who doesn't deserve anything but mockery.

Dontcha just love the "we're a nation addicted to oil" crowd, who conflate the average working stiff with a coke-head because they dare (gasp) drive a car to work? Yes, we're.....ADDICTS! We need intervention! Bring on the messiah.

Hope and Change will cure all ills, after all.

Anonymous said...

The price of a barrel of oil is set by the world-wide market. However, the sources of supply are varied.
The top six sources for the US, in descending order of percentage, are as follows: The US herself, 31.5%; Canada, 14.6%; Mexico, 9.6%; Saudi Arabia, 8.5%, Venezuela, 8.1%; Nigeria, 6.6%. We get over half of our oil, 55.7%, from North American sources. 12.3% comes from the Middle East - mostly Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. 14.4% comes from African sources such as Nigeria, Algeria, and Angola. And 9.9% comes from South American sources like Venezuela, Ecuador, and Columbia. The rest comes from other areas such as Russia, 2.5%; the Virgin Islands, 2.0%; and Britain, 1.8%.

My point? None really. It's just that most folks think that we, the US, are totally dependent on "Middle East" oil, when, in fact we are not.