Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thanks, Bruce...

After clicking your damn Lego™ link, I now have to raid my gun fund to buy this for my son for Christmas:

You've just gotta admit this is cool...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Hey, at least it's going for something cool! Prepare to spend a good weekend building it!

Bruce said...


Exsqueeze me!!!!

Bruce said...

OF course, he'll want the $500 Millennium Falcon set next.

Jay G said...

He can want all he wants... The only way I'd drop 500 beans on the Millenium Falcon would be if he could ride it to school...

RW said...

If my son sees this, I'm f#$%ed. You've never heard "daddy, can I have...?" until you hear a verbal autistic kid start in.

Remember Rainman going off on the "gotta watch Wapner" riff? True. Over and over and over and over.....andwhatareyougonnado, get mad?

Oh, hell........if there is such a thing as luck, he'll never hear that this thing exists.

Andrew said...

Yeah, my kid wants that too. I called his attention to the two most important numbers: the number of parts and the number of dollars.

Borepatch said...

I'm thinking about spring for Mindstorms. It's $400, too, but it's programmable Lego robots, which seems a pretty dang cool.

Anonymous said...

Here's a fun book for those who like Legos and Guns. The designs are decent for a couple of real shooting guns.

Ted, Mindstorms are quite a bit of fun, just make sure you get NQC (Not Quite C) for development instead of the designed-for-8-year-olds programming software that they give you.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap that thing is awesome. And even has turbolaser turrets - that kind of counts as "gun fund"-worthy...

RW said...

Well, the latest edition of Lego Magazine arrived at my house yesterday, which to my son is akin to Naven Johnson's name being found in the telephone book (all you youngsters will just have to look that one up). The next two weeks are going to be interesting in Casa de la West.....