Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The honeymoon that ended before it began
Absolutely. If Obama wants to achieve a roaring, Canaveral-like lift off for his plan — and for his presidency — he needs to show that we have jettisoned “business as usual.” Bipartisan support is the way to do so.

Yeah, that sure sounds like a critical media intent on bringing down the new President. Ditto the "Obamalot" headlines after his ascension coronation inauguration (which was "historic", in case you missed it the 1,468,191 times the media mentioned it). I'm sure we'll start seeing headlines critical of The Annointed One's unilateral policies starting, oh, around the same time the sun burns out and becomes a lifeless ball...

I loved this line from the article, as it really lets you know where the writer is coming from:
In the end it may not matter that much. In 1993, Bill Clinton passed his first and most important — and successful — tax bill without a single GOP vote in the House. The legislation is generally credited with having helped spur the Long Boom of the 1990s.

Wow. Where do I even begin with this? The "middle class tax cut" that turned into the largest tax increase in US history is credit with spurring a boom? On what fucking planet? Off-hand I'd say the meteoric rise of the personal computer and the internet spurred the boom of the 1990s, a boom that came to an end as Bubba's stained presidency was in its twilight...

But no, I don't believe the Obama honeymoon is over. I think we're going to see yet another stunning turnaround as we did in 2000, where dissent magically became patriotic, military action against Iraq became bad, and government spending was something to worry about. With regards to Obama, I don't think the media's even finished strapping on the kneepads yet.

After all, they annointed him - it's up to them to make sure he doesn't fail.

That is all.

*You have got to be shitting me


TOTWTYTR said...

A couple of points. The honeymoon will be over because Pres. Obama has two years to do unpopular stuff while every member of the House and 1/3 of the Senate only have about a year.

The Republicans seem to have learned something from the debacle in November. They seem more willing to stand up for Republican principles for a change. Maybe.

He's helping conservatives out no end by getting in a pissing contest with Rush Limbaugh. The more he does that, the more people are going to tune in to hear what El Rushbo has to say in retort. This could also have the salutary effect making any attempt to reinstate the unFairness Doctrine look like censorship.

I think that his honeymoon with the public will be over before his honeymoon with the media. His complaining that Pres. Bush caused all this will only work for so long.

RW said...

A. The expansion of the 90s was boosted by the most part due to the dot-com boom. Of course, it was fake & burst at the end of Clinton's term (Bush inherited a recession). If that sounds familiar, it resembles the housing bubble that recently burst, causing the economy to dwindle & shore up the fact that of late, a good bit of the market was fake. Also, in between Bush's first year & last year, we had non-stop growth. Does his tax cuts get the credit?

TOTWTYTR, the honeymoon with the media will be over once Obama is sworn in in '12 and probably not even then. THEY love the guy more than his wife and they now know that they can couple getting him elected (ignoring all the negatives) as well as destroy his opponent (Palin) by running slavish coverage for him while adding non-stop negative stories on his opponents. Five hundred bucks says Obama - if healthy - serves two terms. The fix is in, they're NOT going to cover him like they did Bush, because they're his biggest group of fanboys.

The fourth estate is as crooked as Tim Donaghe reffing an NBA game. If anyone doubts me, just look at how a community organizer was boosted to the WH and the person that the media loved for the last decade - McCain - was pushed by the wayside in order to sweep in their boy.

Jay G said...


From your lips to G-d's ears. I fear, however, that an American public that's more interested in who the latest American Idol is than the qualifications of the Presidential candidates will be too eager to eat up whatever the media dish out.


I wouldn't take that bet, not even if you spot me 10:1...

Anonymous said...

I think it goes without saying that any sane person would have much rather inherited the America Bush inherited as opposed to inheriting the shit pile Obama has inherited.

They seem more willing to stand up for Republican principles for a change.

They talk a good game but when you give them the steering wheel you had damned well better buckle up.

zeeke42 said...

The funniest thing I've seen about the 'historic' inauguration was a bit on the Colbert Report. He was saying that other countries need to stop crowing about our historic inauguration and have their own. The French should inaugurate an Algerian, the Russians a Cossack, and Zimbabwe the man who won the election.

phlegmfatale said...

oh, I think it gonna git real ugly, real fast.

RW said...

The housing & banking sectors are sure a mess, but I sure hope and pray (literally) that Obama hasn't inherited a terrorist industry that is at its apex, with plans already in action to use against innocent American citizens on our own soil & with countries (plural) that are willing to house, accomodate and aid Al Qaeda as they seek to destory our country.