Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh, No You Didn't...

GOP critics walk fine line in opposing president's policies
How do you separate policies from the person?

It is more than an academic riddle these days, as President Obama's Republican critics gingerly walk the tightrope of opposing his economic and other plans without being accused of being unpatriotic.

Conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh started it even before Obama's inauguration in January by saying that he hoped Obama would fail because he objected to many of Obama's policies.
Excuse me? Did you really just say that? After eight fucking years of relentless hammering of the Bush administration over similar sentiments, you're just coming right out and laying it down like that? Remember "Dissent is patriotic"? Remember the fears from the liberal elite that Bush was crushing dissent? Now that the dude in the White House has a "D" next to his name, everything's upside down, eh folks?

Now the Republican minority is being accused of being unpatriotic after a whopping two months. They're finally discovering that they're supposed to be the party of small(er) government (HA!), and are starting to finally oppose spending - cynically, I might inject, because the dude in the White House has a "D" next to his name. But because they don't agree with his radical plans for forced socialism, they're unpatriotic.

And, we can only surmise, racist.

That is all.

1 comment:

Mikael said...

To be fair, both sides are a bunch of hypocrites. Both sides have flipped on the issue depending on who is in power.

Although the worst case of double standards is doubtlessly on fox news... but nobody takes them seriously, do they?