Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ciao Bella...

Ah, those crazy Italians...

Berlusconi denies paying prostitutes
ROME, Italy (CNN) — Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi denies allegations that he paid prostitutes to attend parties he hosted at his various homes.

In an interview with Italian magazine Chi, the 72-year old denied he had ever paid for sex.
Right off the bat he's lying. He's been married - he's paid for sex before. Most likely dearly...

I love his defense against the charges of soliciting prostitution:

“I’ve never paid a woman. I never understood where the satisfaction is when you’re missing the pleasure of conquest”

Now that's Italian!

That is all.


David said...

Holy crap that quote is made of awesome.

firehard said...

this is ''cow bell'' in spanish I beleive.
as in ''i need more cow bell'' bonjour

Mikee said...

The Most Interesting Man in the World is proud to count Berlusconi among his close personal friends.

SCI-FI said...

During the Clinton Admin, didn't the libbies fall all over themselves to tell us how everyone in Europe had mistresses and it was perfectly acceptable?

Seems someone forgot to tell that to Mrs Berlusconi...

Hey, does this mean that something the Left told us later turned out to be a pile of dogcrap?

Jay G said...

"During the Clinton Admin, didn't the libbies fall all over themselves to tell us how everyone in Europe had mistresses and it was perfectly acceptable?"

And you can tell just how deeply they meant it in the comments from the ever-tolerant left about SC Gov Sanford and his Argentinian mistress...