Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Shootie Meme!

Shameless "borrowed" from Brigid, it's the "22 Things I've Learned from Shooting" meme:

22. Shooting under pressure is hard.

21. I need to shoot more.

20. Shooting with friends is different than shooting alone. Not better or worse - both have their plusses and minuses - but different.

19. Shootin' stuff is fun.

18. Bayonetting stuff is fun, too, but doesn't build any particularly useful skills. It is, however, wonderful stress relief.

17. No matter how many times I shoot a tight grouping, I never get tired of it.

16. I need to shoot more.

15. Shooting a tight grouping is a lot harder than you'd think.

14. Switching from target shooting to defensive practice (or the reverse) generally does not work for me - I need to focus on one or the other, and bring similar arms on respective outings.

13. I shoot rifles a lot better than I shoot handguns.

12. I shoot revolvers better than semi-autos.

11. I need to shoot more.

10. Rapid-fire drills happen a lot less frequently with ammo scarce and expensive.

9. .22LR is a godsend with ammo scarce and expensive, although even that is getting more pricey and harder to find.

8. Going through the ammo locker and finding 50 round boxes of .380 ACP with a price tag at $8 makes me cry.

7. Even with several safes full of guns, there are some that come to the range every single time, and others that only get out once a year.

6. I need to shoot more.

5. Target shooting is a lot of fun, especially with reactive targets. 4" orange skeet clays on the 25 yard pistol berm are challenging and rewarding.

4. Defensive training isn't much fun, but the most necessary for those that carry.

3. Bringing a new shooter to the range is the way we save the sport we love. Defeating the fear and ignorance wrought by the media and the politicians by simply letting a noob in on the joy of shooting is the way we win.

2. Shooting - a.k.a. "recoil therapy" - is the best way I can think of to relax. "There's no such thing as 'stress' when you're shooting a Magnum-caliber handgun" is one of my personal mantras.

1. I need to shoot more.

So, what have you learned from shooting?

That is all.


Lissa said...

You know what I learned, Jay, I wrote a whole post about it :)

PeterT said...

I need to shoot more.


Wally said...

- When you can't buy any more ammo, you count EVERY round that goes downrange.

- There is no gun that I wouldn't shoot once.

- Great Uncle's pop-top Iver Johnson 38S&W is every bit as enjoyable as an M1 garand, 1911, or fine over under shotgun.

- "Too many guns" is never determined by the quantity, it's determined by the bank account that can't afford more.

- If your wallet contains a copy of your local shop's FFL, you are a smart shopper.

- I sold a gun once. That will never happen again.

- It is okay to choose a state to live in by the gun laws. And magazine laws.

- If a 5 day wait seems like forever, try NFA where nothing moves in under 5 months.

- With centerfire ammo hard to find, there's nothing wrong with buying a few more 22s.

Rick in NY said...

Teaching your kids to shoot is very rewarding.

Taking your spouse shooting can be an exercise in humility.

The 22LR is still fun.

Hitting paintballs at 25 yards with a 22LR is a challange.

Old mil-surps are fun to shoot. I like my new/old Mauser.

I need to shoot more.

agg79 said...

I need to shoot more.

Even the best marksmen in the Army still practice a lot. (Gotta keep those skills sharp)

Shoot at your own pace.

I'm pretty good with a semi. I'm dead on with my wheel gun.

I need to shoot more.