Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Words Fail Me, Yet Again...

Cops failed to call despite gun, crack
Just two years after 8-year-old Liquarry Jefferson was fatally shot with a handgun stashed in his Dorchester home, Boston Police failed to take action when cops found a gun, crack cocaine and two innocent toddlers inside a Roxbury home, the Herald has learned.

Boston Police admitted yesterday that its drug unit neglected to alert the state Department of Children and Families on Aug. 4 when cops seized a loaded .25 caliber Beretta, ammunition and two bags of crack from the home of Traleese Young, 21, and her two tots.

I wonder what, exactly, it would take for the cops to report something to DYS? I mean, illegally-owned firearms (please, table the debate that this wouldn't have been an issue in America; I'll be the first to agree that it shouldn't be an issue, but it *is* here in MA) and illegal drugs aren't enough to trigger an investigation? We're not saying automatically yank the kids out of the home, but it doesn't even warrant a call? "Hey, we just busted someone at this address for dealing crack, you might want to check on the kids there"... Nothing.

Then again, it's not like it would have made much difference:
Department of Children and Families spokeswoman Alison Goodwin indicated police should have filed a report of neglect to the agency after the August raid - which would have triggered an investigation. Goodwin also acknowledged that the agency’s own caseworker did not file a report after a home visit six days later, Aug. 10.


And yet, this is the very same level of care and concern for the common man that 0bama would like to see supervising our health care. Be afraid.

That is all.

1 comment:

Constitution First said...

Because THAT would be racist!

The same applies to all the gang bangers they catch with (stolen) firearms; how many of them get the "mandatory" year-in-jail? another brain-twister for Mumbles, Eh?

Then again, we are not talking about sane people here, we are talking about the Peoples Republic.