Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Gun Pr0n #132

Here's another fine piece of hardware from the 2009 Northeast Bloggershoot:


Yes, that's the storied gamer classic, the Heckler Koch MP5 submachine gun (9mm). Star of many B-grade action movies, countless video games, and gamer wet-dreams, this compact subgun was brought to the shoot courtesy of Paul of State Line Guns in Mason, NH. Paul was kind enough to let us run some magazines through this and relive all of our favorite Counterstrike moments...

For the ultimate in awesome, you'd have to see Lissa shooting this puppy...

That is all.


Lissa said...

Why thanks, Jay! But I think you made some pretty fine brass rainbows yourself :)

wolfwalker said...

Trivia time: which variant of the MP5 is that?

aczarnowski said...

Awww. That's just the cutest baby G3!

Atom Smasher said...

Die Hard was the first action movie to really go all MP-5 on us, wasn't it? Hardly Grade B. :)

Lissa said...

I've save your readers the trouble and send them here:

Strings said...

You now have Spoon making pouty faces at me.


Jay G said...


My work here is done.

Strings said...

Wait... you're PROUD of making a pretty young lady pout?

Yep... putz... :P