Thursday, November 26, 2009

Pre-Turkey Day Dinner Weigh-In...

Let's see. Hopped on the scale just to see how bad I'm gonna be. 176.5 lbs. Given that my target weight is 175, and I've been within 5 lbs of that for two and a half years now, I'm pretty pleased with my weight-management program. It gets tough, during the year, refraining from indulging as often as I used to, but on special occasions it's nice to suspend the diet and eat what I'd like. I still watch the portions, but I don't get fanatical. If I do gain a few, they'll come back off. So in that spirit, with regards to the festivities beginning later today:

Let's see if we can get that over 180 by tomorrow...

That is all.


Patrick said...

It's always good to have a goal. ;-)

agg79 said...

Are you braggin' or complain'?
Great job in keeping the weight off. Gets harder as you get older but you got the grit to stick with the program. Kudos.

Christina RN LMT said...

Good for you!

I met my goal of a) NOT throwing up, and b) eating enough to have to unfasten my jeans!

bogie said...

I had all the deserts locked away in the back room - the room with all the big pots/pans and the bread maker. Everytime I entered the room, the fantastic aroma made me gain 10 poiunds I swear.

And then we started eating . . .

There is a great sale on a elliptical trainer at Models this weekend, we're gonna need it!