Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Only In Massachusetts

Sen. Anthony Galluccio headed back to court
Disgraced state Sen. Anthony D. Galluccio is facing another brush with jail time today after he failed several Breathalyzer tests while under house arrest, blaming the high readings on his toothpaste.

The Cambridge Democrat is being hauled back into court to determine if he should be locked up to serve out his one-year sentence after pleading guilty last week to a hit-and-run crash.
What's this guy brushing his teeth with, Teddy's leftover Chivas?

This mook has been given chance after chance after chance. He's been given rides home from bars by the Cambridge PD (now THAT is acting stupidly); he's been given probation when the rest of us would have been looking at serious jail time for OUI and leaving the scene of an accident; he's been handed break after break owing to, let's be realistic, his elite status of representative. The fact that he's been prosecuted at all is testimony to how deep his problem runs - it got so out of hand it could no longer be swept under the rug.

Then again, maybe they're just waiting for him to kill someone while driving drunk so he can run for the Senate...

That is all.

UPDATE: I should have known Bruce would be all over this, too...


Brad_in_IL said...

Twinkies, anyone ??

ravenshrike said...

Mouthwash is what he should have blamed it on.