Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Throwin' the BS Flag...

I caught this political ad the other morning and it so thoroughly enraged me that I had comment. I've been staying out of the race to fill Dead Ted's seat, as the four Democrats who are currently vying for the seat are, to say the least, depressing. Each and every one has all but fallen over themselves trying to position themselves as the next coming of Ted Kennedy, each trying to "out-liberal" the other as they all claim to be the pro-choiciest, anti-gunniest, anti-death penaltyist, etc. in an all-out orgy of pandering to the extreme left.

The commercial is apparently designed to make Capuano look strong on... something. He claims it's civil liberties, saying that he voted against the Patriot Act because he felt it went against our civil liberties, etc. The problem here? Capuano - like many on the left - has a very selective view of what are, and aren't, civil liberties. He has an "F" rating from the NRA, having voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act and to reduce waiting periods. He co-sponsored H.R. 1312 (Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2005). He's voted against allowing guns in National parks and repealing the DC ban on handguns. Basically, if it's a gun control measure, he's voted in favor of it.

So let's please can the crap about "I support civil liberties", Mr. Capuano. You support those civil liberties that will win you accolades among the left; you do not support all of our civil liberties. The Second Amendment is one of them, no matter how much you and your "progressive" friends would like to wish it away, an anachronism to be ignored or legislated out of existence. You cannot claim to be protecting us from the Dick Cheneys of the world while voting, very consistently, to strip us of the best tools for resisting tyranny.

It's long beyond time to start calling these selective enforcers of the Bill of Rights on their a la carte view. We've pointed out, time and again, the complete and utter failure that is every single gun control bill of the last, oh, hundred years or so. Yet they pull out the same tired platitudes - "gun show loophole"; "cop-killer bullets"; "spray-firing bullet hoses"; every time they spout these talking points we're there to cram it back at them, yet they continue to bring it up. It's like the zombie of the political world, except that there is no gun control-stopping head shot.

Congressman Capuano, you are no friend of liberty, freedom, or self-reliance. Stop trying to play one on TV.

That is all.


Brad_in_IL said...

Well said, mi amigo, well said. While I agree w/ your position on this, I will begrudgingly give Capuano kudos for one thing -- he's consistently stayed on message. Whether one agrees with that message is a different matter, but at least he's been very consistent. I'd even go so far as to say WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get).

Me, I'm voting for Scott Brown.

- Brad

Weer'd Beard said...

I also bet if he was asked he's finest kind with the fairness doctrine as well.

Authoritarians come in Left Flavor, and Right Flavor, the only difference is what rights they prefer to infringe upon.

And honestly even those are interchangeable as well...

Hopefully Scott Brown will clean the floor with these twerps.

Jay G said...

Thanks Brad. I'll agree that Capuano has stayed on message, that's true. However, it seems that message is little more than "LOOK AT ME! I'M LIBERAL!!!"

I'm voting for Scott Brown as well, even if he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning...


Agree completely. The left wants the right "out of the bedroom" and "laws off your body"; yet has no trouble peering into my gun cabinet to tell me I can't own gun X because it has a bayonet lug or gun Y because the caliber is too large.

The right is a little better on guns, yet wants to pass all kinds of laws telling me what kinds of herbs I can ingest or what items I can purchase at adult stores.

"Different wings on the same bird of prey" I believe was Mssr. Buchanan's comment...

And I'm with you on Brown, although I certainly wouldn't bet that way...

Bram said...

I saw this add when visiting Taxachusetts last week. I couldn't help but shock my family with my opinion of this dirtbag.

This bitch who never served a day in the military is telling me how we need to fight terrorism with one hand behind our backs.

He is going to protect my civil liberties by giving terrorists Miranda rights - while fining and jailing me if I don't buy DNC approved health insurance?

Fuck I hate this asshole!

Brad_in_IL said...


While what I have to may be wildly optimistic, if enough frustrated folk finally say WTF and vote for the candidate perceived to not have a hope in hell, maybe, just maybe we'll put Scott Brown into the senate.

notDilbert said...

I'd like to support Scott Brown but it would certinly help if ....

.. he didn't sound so much like a winey dishrag.

.... he actually took a strong position on something.

.... he had an advertising buget that was more than 3 figures.

.... he was less willing to vote with the Democrats.

see for yourself ..


If he can't standup to Bruade, how's he going to deal with Nancy.

TOTWTYTR said...

I've seen this commercial. It makes me want to barf. Sadly, a good number of voters will think that what he says is good.

The fact that State Senator Scott Brown would be an excellent US Senator and yet stands no real chance to win makes me want to pack up and move.

The more I see of real America, the I hate the PRM.

And that's a facto, which is the word verification word!

Anonymous said...

As our Dear Departed Edward Moore said:

"We must end the arms race in our cities, towns, and our neighborhoods."

Personally, I'm not sure that he wasn't the messiah.