Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday Funny...

Sent to me in e-mail by commenter PISSED:


My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day.

He has his food prepared for him.

He can eat whenever he wants, 24/7/365.

His meals are provided at no cost to him.

He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup, and again during the year if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him.

He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep. If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up.

He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep. He receives these accommodations absolutely free.

He is living like a king, and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day.

I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head, Holy S#!t, my dog is a Democrat!

Well, they are called "Blue Dog Democrats" for a reason...

That is all.


jimbob86 said...

He also had his balls cut off, or if he has not, it could happen at any time, shortly after YOU decide he does not need to be licking them.

Just something to think about.....

BillH said...

You're confusing the dog with cows... same life, different results. Your dog isn't a Democrat, he's a Democrat politician.

zeeke42 said...

The difference is, you chose to take in your dog. No one hired men with guns to make you give him a luxurious life at your expense.

Mike W. said...

At least you get enjoyment and loyalty out of your dog, and he'll risk his life to defend yours.

Can't say the same for many Liberals.

Steve said...

As I type this my wife is watching TV on the floor while our three dogs snooze on the couch.