Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Mall Shooting...

Those bloodthirsty Americans, always shooting up the malls. It's the NRA's fault, don't you know.

Oh, wait:
(CNN) -- A gunman opened fire inside a busy shopping center near the Finnish capital of Helsinki Thursday, leaving four people dead, police said.

Before the shooting spree at the shopping center, Ibrahim Shkupolli, 43, had killed his ex-girlfriend, police said. He later turned the gun on himself at his home.

Gee, it's almost like there are unstable lunatics everywhere, isn't it? While the hoplophobes like to pretend that this is a unique event only to America, the sad fact is that the gunpowder genie is out of the bottle around the world, and mentally unbalanced people can and do get their hands on firearms. It's not a gun problem, rather, it's a mental health problem. It's one of the dangers of our free society, in that right up until little Billy Woundtootight snaps, he's afforded all the protections of the Bill of Rights just like the sane people.

Shootings like this recent tragedy show that mass shootings are not unique to America, nor is the "fault" of the NRA that sometimes bad people use firearms...

That is all.

1 comment:

Sigivald said...

Hell, even without gunpowder, you'll have people occasionally running amok (literally, in fact).