Sunday, March 7, 2010

Layers of Editorial Oversight...

Here's the headline I clicked on

Boston Massacre event gives youths new view of history

Jason Halin portrayed a British  officer who led the Redcoats, during a reenactment of the Boston  Massacre yesterday, the 240th anniversary of the incident.
Jason Halin portrayed a British officer who led the Redcoats, during a reenactment of the Boston Massacre yesterday, the 240th anniversary of the incident. (David L. Ryan/ Globe Staff)

By Hannah McBride
Globe Correspondent / March 7, 2010

And here's the story we get:
CAMBRIDGE - Jeannie Suk is poised, elegant, but decidedly conservative in her attire of muted grays, browns, and blacks. She is as well known for her teachings on feminism as for being the first Asian-American woman on the tenure track at Harvard Law School.

So why is the 37-year-old Suk, a Guggenheim fellow at Harvard Law School, at the heart of a heated debate in the fashion world about designer dresses and $900 shoes?

But we bloggers are the ones that need oversight, because we continually get things wrong...

That is all.


agg79 said...

I guess that protecting the fashion industry is more important that history (at least in Boston).

Borepatch said...

This makes me smile.

Old NFO said...

That is just plain F'ed up...