Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I'll take "Headlines I Never Thought I'd Ever Read" for $500, Alex...

Men At Work ordered to pay song royalties
A judge has ordered Men At Work to hand over royalties from the 1983 hit single Down Under after earlier ruling they had plagiarised a children's song.

The Australian band must pay 5% of money earned from the song since 2002 as well as future royalties.

Larrikin Music, which owns the copyright to Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree, had sought 60% of royalties.

The article has a couple of snippets embedded, one of the "Kookaburra" song and a 30-second soundbite of "Down Under" (just enough to launch you back to the days of mullets and Trans Ams with T-tops). I'll be damned if I can spot the similarity; I guess if you listened long enough you could hear similar riffs between "Helter Skelter" and the "Clean Up" song from Barney...

What got me, though, was that the royalties had to be paid starting in 2002. Given that "Land Down Under" was a hit in the early part of the 1980s, it seemed odd that the time period would start nearly two decades later. And then I remembered that "Land Down Under" featured prominently in Finding Nemo released just a year later.

All roads do lead to Disney in one way or another...

That is all.


JD said...

I think they had a legal problem with going too far back to get the money, so they set the date as far back as they could. . . . statute of limitations or some such thing. I guess they can thank Disney they are getting any $$

Joe Allen said...

Bogus! I don't think that would have flown in a US copyright court. Recycled melodies/chord progressions are a very common occurrence in pop music: (Warning: NSFW lyrics.)

Heck, there's only one blues song if you look at it that way.

Weer'd Beard said...

Next thing we'll see is bullshit 3-chord band A suing bullshit 3-chord band B, because the songs are just as similar.

Its not like every damn song in the universe is THAT unique..

Anonymous said...

I listened to the offending bits this morning on the ride to work.

You can't tell the songs apart until the kids start singing.