Thursday, July 29, 2010

Seven Deadly Sins...

Smith & Wesson's new Pro Series sub-compact SW1911 is officially MA-legal. I want this gun so bad I can taste it. At 26½ ounces empty it's only slightly heavier than my G30; with the differences in rounds I'd bet the two guns are identical in weight loaded. It's a good 10-12 ounces lighter than the Colt 1991A1, and it's all new and shiny and just waiting for me to take one home...

I remember the seven deadly sins through the mneumonic PCLAGES:

Pride: I would be proud to own and shoot the SW1911 sub compact.
Covetness: I cover the SW1911 sub compact mightily.
Lust: I lust after a SW1911 sub compact to call my own.
Anger: I'm angry I don't have a SW1911 sub compact right now.
Gluttony: I'd like to own two or three SW1911 sub compacts.
Envy: I'm envious of anyone who has a SW1911 sub compact.
Sloth: Err, I would overcome my general sloth to buy a SW1911 sub compact.

Just look at it:

Pic from S&W website

Here's the thing. Come January 1st I will have been a non-smoker for 10 years. It will also be 2011, the 100th anniversary of the 1911. I think that's just about the perfect storm for me to acquire one of these beauties, don't you think? I like my 1991A1 Compact a lot, don't get me wrong; it shoots like a dream and carries well. It's just that a newer, lighter gun - with a lifetime warranty to boot with the legendary S&W reliability would be quite the addition to the carry gun rotation - and might even become all but the hot weather carry gun...

Now, if the good folks at Smith & Wesson would like a local gunblogger to review this fine firearm, I'd be more than happy to take on that particular challenge...

That is all.


Old NFO said...

LOL- Spend the $$ :-)

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Good luck. I've always liked sinning.

And you've inspired a post...

Weer'd Beard said...

one thing to note that the 1911 has on your glock is the magazines are SLIM. That much easier to pack 2-3!

Anonymous said...

I almost bought this a few days ago, but in the gun store, I just didn't like the feel of it as much as I had expected.
I went down the road from you a bit and commissioned a custom Officer's 1911 instead. My wallet isn't happy, but I am.

jimbob86 said...

I want the one with the raven on it.... right after I take the 250 Def. Pistol course....

Jay G said...

Old NFO,

Even if I have to sell something, I'll be spending the money on this. This is the only Officer's size 1911 available new in MA (that's not a Para).

S&W SW1911s have enjoyed quite a bit of positive review from friends that own them, and I'm ready to add a 1911 to the flock that's not a Colt. I'm modern like that...


Yay! I like being an inspiration! Usually I'm more of a cautionary example... ("Don't do what JayG does"...)


We've been through this before, though. Your 2 1911 mags hold one more round than my G21 with extended baseplate... ;)


That's interesting - do you have the same issue with other Officer-sized 1911s, or was it specific to the S&W? I've already got an Officer's size 1911 (Colt 1991A1 Compact), and I like it just fine.

Will definitely keep it in mind, thanks for the tip.


Ooh, that's a thought too...

Brad_in_IL said...


Over on NES there's a thread discussing the new Smith. It's morphed into a discussion about "Get McKenna Elected as State AG" . . . with the intent of having him toss the AG's approved {spit} handgun roster.

- Brad

Stretch said...

Bless you my son. Go and Sin some more.
Or something like that.
Don't forget: After every purchase of a 1911 you must face Ogden, UT and repeat the holy phrase; "Front sight ... squeeze."

Mopar said...

Thanx for always reminding me there are worse states then CT for gun owners to live in :(
Stupid lists.

I guess all you Massholes won't be buying any CCDL raffle tix from me sunday, since at least 2 of the 3 top prizes (Kimber Ultra Carry II, and a Charter Arms Pink Lady) are not legal in MA it seems.

Anonymous said...

I agree, go for it. I bought a S&W scandium commander recently and it's been reliable so far except with one magazine, which I removed from the rotation. No other malfunctions since. That's with 90% XTP defensive reloads at max COAL, which have given me problems in new guns in the past, so I'm pretty happy. Only 400 rounds so far, so I'm not at the trust-utterly point, but I'll fix that tomorrow when I put another 250-300 XTPs through it.

I will say my gun has some build issues, like trigger fit is terrible and the MSH looks like it is made out of pot metal (at least it's metal...). I chose to overlook those issues since I almost always replace those parts anyway.

Shoots great though.

- Weambulance

Bubblehead Les. said...

Actually, if Mass. allows you, I'd see nothing wrong with buying TWO of them, one for 4:00 and one for 8:00. After all, if the New York Reload was good enough for Jim Cirrielo (PBUH) and the N.Y.P.D. Stake -out Squad, it should be good enough for you, right? Now that I've fed your sunconscious a reason to tell the Mrs. why you need TWO of them, you will now dream of TWO of them, you will break out into a cold sweat like a junkie going through withdrawal every time you think of it....Ain't Internet Hypnosis wonderful?

David said...

You are not thinking about this right.

Forget that next year is the 100th aniversary of the 1911.

Forget that it is the 10 aniversary of you being smoke free.

Sometime in the future that little cub scout of yours is going to grow up, get married and start beairing little cub scouts of his own.

When that happens will he have stories to tell of his daddy taking him out and teaching him how to shoot a subcompact 1911.

Will his son's grandpa be able to lovingly take that same subcompact 1911 out of the safe and be the first person to teach his grandson about safety, gun handling, sight picture and breath control?

Will your grandson be able to touch the worn spots on the grip and the action where the finish has worn thin from years of shooting? Will he be able to sit wide-eyed in wonder as you tell him all about his daddy learning to shoot this very gun, about his daddy's first ever bullseye with that gun?

Damn it Man you don't buy a gun like this for yourself - you buy it for your children, and for your children's children.

Like the libtards are always preaching - do it for the kids!