Friday, September 17, 2010

Oh The Humanity!

Commenter and bloggershoot attendee stickman sent me the following heartbreaking picture of damage sustained during the pre-Labor Day assault from Hurricane Earl.

Be forwarned, the pictures are graphic and should probably not be shown to young children or those with weak constitutions.

You have been warned.

Behold the wrath of Hurricane Earl!

I think it should be declared a disaster area...
That is all.


FrankC said...

As MostlyCajun would put it :- "FEMA slow to respond. Bush widely blamed."

Jester said...

My six year old daughter commented on that photo while she was instructing me about my computer. She mentioned that her room looks worse than what the hurricane did.

Old NFO said...

Well, it IS Mass, so that should be good for at least a half a mil...