Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One Week...

In one week we'll be going to the polls for the midterm elections. In one week we'll have our first chance to send a clear message to the powers that be in Washington: ENOUGH. In one week we'll have our opportunity to do as my #1 blogson recommends and vote 'em out. I'm pessimistic enough to agree with those who opine that we're not voting ourselves out of this mess; however, if we send a clear and unified message to those who would rule us that they serve only on our whim and our good graces, it may lessen the manner in which we do get out of this.

No more will we stand for politics as usual. If a politician is elected and then turns his back on his constituents, send him right the hell back the next cycle. Don't vote for anyone simply because of the letter after their name - I want to see Republican incumbents voted out as well as Democrats. Sending a bunch of Republicans in place of Democrats will only change who gets blamed for what happens in DC, it will not change what actually does happen. We need to let the "elites" know that we are, ultimately, their bosses; that they ignore us (Ă˜bamaCare) at the peril of their tenure; and that we are well-aware of the true meaning of politics (poly meaning many and ticks, bloodsucking parasites)

Whatever you do, vote. If you can take the day and stand outside a polling place with a sign, please, by all means do so. If you can get someone to the polls to vote, volunteer. We're past the point of "historic" elections - 1980 was probably the last of those, if that was even such a beast; the best we can hope for these days is that whoever we put into office this time won't crap on the Constitution as bad as the person they are replacing. But that's a strategy in and of itself - if we can continue to replace politicians with another, slightly less bad version, over time we can start to correct what's wrong.

Here's my personal checklist of reasons to vote against someone:
  • Voted for Ă˜bamaCare
  • Voted for Government bailout of bank/mortgage companies/GM/Mopar
  • Incumbent
  • Gun Control supporter
  • Treating terrorism as a criminal justice issue
  • Believes in Global Warming
  • Letting the Bush tax cuts expire
  • Support amnesty for illegal immigrants (or simply referring to them as "undocumented" immigrants
Why should we vote for - or against - a candidate in your opinion?

That is all.

That is all.


Jim said...

I've already voted in Virginia, as I'll be on travel next week. You've pretty much nailed that, although I might give some of them a pass provided their record indicates they deserve one (and ONLY provided their record indicates that - no PRESENT votes). I called my congressman (Connelly (D)) during the Obamacare fiasco and informed him that if he voted for Obamacare he would lose my vote. Not that he had much of a chance anyway, but he did, and he has.

Adam said...

I don't agree with the Bush tax "cuts." They are not tax cuts, they are tax deferments, as they are being debt financed. Basically they are a loan from China. George Bush was an absolute disaster of a President economically speaking, eclipsed in buffoonery only by 0bama. Other then that I agree with everything you said Jay.

Dragon said...


The problem is that any *tax cut* MUST, in order for our country to thrive once more, be matched witha a *spending cut* that equals or exceeds the tax cut by 10%.

In other words, reverse the way things are currently being done in DC, where a tax *increase* is met witha spending increase that equals the tax increase + 10%.

Goobermint takes in a dollar, and spends $1.10...lets reverse that and cut taxes by a buck, then cut SPENDING by $1.10

That way, the cuts are REAL CUTS (not deferments) and the reduced spending liability makes the *cuts* turn into *savings*....


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Not me. Waste of time, voting. Like anyone besides a Liberal Dem is gonna win in Maryland, suburban DC, this year.

Anonymous said...

For congress, voting and/or supporting Nancy Pelosi for speaker would be a disqualifying factor for me, along with the things that Jay mentioned.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Voted already, no real Tea Party types running in my district and state, so I went and "Pulled R" for one reason: I want them to get as many seats as possible, and am looking forward to the "Party Purges" in the Senate/House Leadership in the GOP during the Lame Duck. Boehner and McConnell have to know they can't just put the Tea Party types on the Back Bench and support the "Boss Hog" agenda, so there's a chance of Reform within the Party.

But since the Hippie Communists co-opted the Democratic Party awhile back, I expect a large amount of Shenanigans to occur with the Vote counts next week, and a lot of Horrible Legislation to be passed during the Lame Duck, with those bills eased through passage with the support of RINO's who now have to find a job.

Isn't it great to live in "Interesting Times"?

Jim said...

Adam - Thomas Sowell has a good article concerning tax cuts and their effects on tax revenue (cuts and revenue are 2 different things.


When even JFK agrees...


Jim said...

The Sowell link isn't showing up well, so go to


and select the column titled 'Brass Oldies', dated October 26th.

RW said...

//They are not tax cuts, they are tax deferments, as they are being debt financed.//

In much the same way your AmEx bill is being debt financed if you keep putting your mortgage payments on it, monthly, since you got a 5% raise at work, and you think the problem is that your raise wasn't high enough.

You're right, the 2nd term of Bush was a disaster, but one of the few things he got right was tax cuts.

Cut spending, first.
Reason to vote against someone: they use the word "invest" during a discussion on government spending.

rick said...

I won't vote for idiots like Phil Hare who don't worry about the Constitution.