Friday, January 21, 2011

LaserLyte Review

THOTpolice reviews the LaserLyte RSL for the Ruger Mark II.
I am of the group that believe that a laser is of little utility on a combat handgun. The mkII does not fit into that description being a target model and it's chambered in .22lr. However the laser does make any flinching or movement of the gun when you are squeezing the trigger more apparent.
I find these two ideas to be contradictory - there's a lot of utility to finding out that you flinch when shooting your combat handgun IMHO - but his point is well-taken. The take-away lesson, though, is that these sights work, they work well, and they're really good for helping new shooters get accustomed to shooting. If they only made Rear Sight Lasers for the S&W 422... *sigh*

Thanks for the review, THOT!

That is all.


Mad Saint Jack said...

LaserLyte now has green laser bore sighter. If they came out with a green rear sight laser I might be in.

Joshua said...

It seems like every one is down on laser sights! They shouldn't be your primary aiming method. But they're really helpful in low light conditions.

Veeshir said...

I have a Beretta CX-4 with a laser.

It can be embarrassing.

I went to the range one day after a pot of coffee and no food.
The laser was all over the place what with the shaking and the GLAVIN!

I turned it off and used the sights.

Anonymous said...

I find it amusing that JayG's post has three comments and MY blogpost has none HEH!
