Monday, January 10, 2011

Skating Away...

Wow. The internet is a strange and magical place...

I heard "Skateaway" by Dire Straits on the radio this morning on the drive into work. It struck me as interesting that the "roller girl" mentioned in the song would be in her late 40s/early 50s today - just one of the hundreds of random odd thoughts that pop into my head during a regular day. I knew the song came out in the early 1980s, and assuming the "roller girl" in question was 18 ish some 30 years ago, it struck me as interesting that she'd be a middle aged woman right now, perhaps a soccer mom, etc.

I looked it up - chalk it up to idle curiosity - mainly because I wanted the exact year "Skateaway" was released (1980, pre-dating MTV). I found out that "roller girl" passed away more than two years ago.

R.I.P Rollergirl...

That is all.


Chad said...

Never mind a soccer mom, she could easily be a grandmother.

David Neylon said...

I always loved that song but I'm not sure I ever saw the video before.

RIP Roller Girl

Old NFO said...

Just confirms we're getting old... sigh...

Maureen said...

Ran across Knopfler and Clapton doing "Lay Down Sally" on YouTube over the weekend and thought "Hmm... I think I need some more knopfler in my life". Leave it to JayG to provide!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, this post reminded me of the fact that way back when I thought the girl in Tom Petty's "Free Fallin'" was the hottest chick ever, so I had to do some googling. Turns out this skate(board)er chick is still alive, but has a pretty tragic story as well. Her Name is Brandi McClain. She was dating famous skateboarder Gator Anthony, who did all the skate stunts in the Free Fallin' video and got her the part. Some time later they had a bad breakup, with him stalking her and finally breaking into her house, stealing her car and everything he ever gave her, and burning it all out in the desert. Shortly after that he raped and murdered one of her best friends "to get even with her". He's now serving 30yrs to life, and she's working as a flower arranger.

Johnnyreb™ said...

Damn. That saddens me. Rollergirl is my favorite song by Dire Straits and i've always wondered who she was ...

danno said...

"Roller Girl" may well be my favorite song by Dire Straits. But I always pictured a blond skating on Venice beach.

WV: Magisms - Things that only work via magic. ex "We can spend our way into prosperity"

Ancient Woodsman said...

I really enjoy Dire Straits.

However, it is a little sad that there are more comments here than about the post regarding the passing of Maj. Winters.

Eck! said...

Wow, I must be old I remember that walkman and the music as I had both
when they were the bleeding edge.


Skip said...

You just harshed some serious mind games.