Thursday, March 3, 2011

Most Excellent!

Two quick shout-outs for my number one blogson. But only because he married up. Way up.

First off, Mrs. Borepatch has her first gun. And it's a Sig! I think she may have shot Dad G's 230 on at least one occasion at my gun club; if not she should have. The P230 is one of the best .380 ACP autos out there; it's certainly one of the most shootable little .380s going. Many years of happy shooting, and may you never need to use it...

Secondly, Mrs. Borepatch has a most excellent essay on why women should shoot. How good is it, you ask? So good I won't excerpt it at all - you need to read the whole thing. Bravo, Mrs. Borepatch, bravo.

And congrats to Borepatch for marrying above his station... ;)

That is all.


North said...

"And congrats to Borepatch for marrying above his station..."

Every. Good. Man. Does.

Borepatch said...

I did indeed.

libertyman said...

Jay -- should be "Brava, brava Mrs. Borepatch". We have to brush up on our Italian. But no disagreement on how wonderful an article she wrote!!

Brad_in_IL said...


I saved the post for My Lovely but otherwise Hoplophobic bride.

- Brad