Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear "Guns R Big Business" Magazine...

Please stop sending me the "ZOMG YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS RUNNING OUT NOW!!!!" letters. If I'm not renewing your magazine, there's a reason for it - I mean, after the first twelve breathless "ZOMG ONLY THREE ISSUES LEFT" notices, I know that my subscription is ending. If I'm not cutting the $17 check for the next year, it's because either:
a) Things are really tight and I need more Ramen; or
b) Your magazine sucks.
It's not that I just magically forgot, and all that I need to remind me to part with my hard-earned shekels is a couple dozen letters in quasi-official guise.

And as a corollary, NRA, please stop sending me the "ZOMG PLEASE RENEW NOW" letters A FULL DAMN YEAR before my membership expires...

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I understand this one completely and it is why I have no magazine subscriptions at all. I had even tried 3 year subscriptions only to get those demands for renewals 6 months into the 3 years. It's also why I no longer am an NRA member. They had to be spending pretty close to my annual membership fee on those letters to "save the cost of billing" by renewing now with 11 months to go. I was thinking about a life membership but got wondering what kind of mailings I'd start getting then.

Teke said...

I've gotten a few of those from the NRA even after upgrading to a life membership.

ASM826 said...

Heh. I can see it now. "Sure you're a Life Member now, but your life is almost over. Sign up now for another lifetime!" In the magazine there will be articles about reincarnation right after the letters section.

Angus McThag said...

Last time I considered rejoining the NRA I got a letter telling me that my membership would only last a year from my sign-up date and should consider renewing at the same time as joining.

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Heck, Dad is a life member, and he gets letters asking him to join!

It's like they don't even bother checking the mailing list against the membership list - which is stupid, because it could all be done automatically by a computer and save the organization probably hundreds of thousands of dollars just in postage.

Maura said...

I let my subscription to Food Network magazine lapse at the beginning of the year because I simply don’t eat that way anymore. The mailings I’ve received from them have been simply inane – including “We Miss You; Please Renew!” ( Seriously, they miss me? ) and a “Renew now so you aren’t the only one NOT receiving Food Network magazine!” ( Peer pressure, tyvm )

This post struck a nerve. Those magazine pleadings are a pet peeve of mine.

Anonymous said...

You and my MBWITW would have a great time agreeing on this.
I just throw the damn things away or into the backyard firepit.

Bubblehead Les. said...

I went to the World Privacy Forum.Org's site years ago, and used the Opt Out links. Cut my Junk Mail and Telemarketing calls by 95%. Give it a shot.

ExurbanKevin said...

Wait, people read magazines printed on paper?

Why? Did their internet connection go out?

Ritchie said...

Maybe the membership department and the dunning department could do lunch once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I have a Life membership to the NRA. Boy howdy, did I start getting the junk mail from them! I finally sent them a nicely worded letter to stop sending me stuff. I asked them to take me off their mail list/server/whatever. It worked. All I get is a few missives every now and again.
