Monday, May 23, 2011

Deadly Circuses...

Marko opines about the savage beating of a Giants fan by Dodgers fan.

It appears that they've caught the person responsible. Good. Of course, whether they'll charge him with a signifcant crime and convict him of same is another story entirely. We tend to treat these issues with less-than-total seriousness, brushing off the violence as "boys will be boys." It's a lot like what we do when a city wins a championship and the denizens respond with riots - the punishments don't sufficiently discourage repeat performances.

Set this guy up for attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, etc. and make him serve 15 years in jail. Do it for the next 10 guys that pull this kind of stunt. Don't plea bargain it down to simple assault, with three months of house arrest and two years of probation. Make the punishment fit the crime - this wasn't just someone blowing off steam and whacking someone upside the head with a team jersey. This was a violent assault that could very easily have been (could still be) second-degree murder.

Marko rightfully pegs it as tribalism - we, as pack animals, need to belong. In today's day and age we no longer have to band together to hunt to survive. We no longer have to live within castle walls to withstand the onslaught of the barbarians. We don't even have a clearly defined enemy like we did throughout the last century - it's much easier to hate the communists than the jihadists, frex. In the absence of a reason to band together, we create one - whether it be over the local sports team, a political party, or even whichever [insert consumer product here] is best.

We all need to belong - and to admit that chili has beans.

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Have you ever noticed that despite what the freedom-haters say about us, you never see a guy shoot a glock owner with his 1911...or vice-versa. Or an AK vs. AR gunfight (where the guy with the FAL or M14 picks off the winner from 300 yards whispering "pussies..." under his breath)

never see a conceal carry guy drawing down on a guy who is open carrying.

And when I met Robert Farago in the NRA press office we were both very polite to each other...and I happened to be armed, dunno about him.

Sure we'll kick up some sand on a forum, in comments, or on a bar stool, but you never see anything of this sort.


Brad_in_IL said...

and to admit that chili has beans

Heresy. Plain, honest to goodness heresy there Jay. Anyone (other than yourself) refer to you as a heathen? [/good natured ribbing]

On a personal note, glad to hear things are starting to settle down at Casa del G.

- Brad

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"Set this guy up for attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, etc. and make him serve 15 years in jail. Do it for the next 10 guys that pull this kind of stunt. Don't plea bargain it down to simple assault, with three months of house arrest and two years of probation. Make the punishment fit the crime"

Truth. The plea bargain has made a mockery of the "justice" system and needs to be abolished. The state should have to prove that you are guilty of what they charged you with, not charge you with something they can't prove in a bid to intimidate you into pleading guilty to something else; and people shouldn't be allowed to plead to something less to avoid punishment for something the state can prove they did.

Right now we don't have a "justice" system, or even a "legal" system: we have a "let's avoid a trial" system that has the net effect of encouraging criminals.

Dave H said...

So here's a little gas to throw on the fire: the Supreme Court just today ruled that California's prison overcrowding is unconstitutional, and upheld an order forcing CA to release about 40,000 inmates.

Care to place bets on which inmates will be released? I'll put money on "recurring violent offenders so when they hurt someone else the Dept. of Corrections can claim they need more money so this won't happen again."

Bob S. said...


I think the tribalism aspect is the part most overlooked by the anti-rights cultists.

I put up a post today about our April Youth Day. There was plenty of tribalism displayed there; we had scout troops, we had 4-H groups, we had club members.

All of them associating together for the better, not worse, of society.

I will disagree with you about the need to band together. We are designed to be in commune with the Maker and each other. We have that need still within us.
That is a sufficient enough reason to band together.

And I'm starting to see a need to band together once again -- to drive out the heresy of 'beans' in chili. Please give up on that abominable idea.

The Old Man said...

If you know beans about chili, you know chili don't have beans....Are you auditioning for a progressive elected office???

Bubblehead Les. said...

After taking a Cowboy Cooking Class, I was informed that Chili has Beans, and Chili con Carne has Beans AND Beef. They also have Chili con Pollo, so you can have Beans and Chicken, but that hasn't crossed over the Border too much into American Restaurants. But the basic dish has Beans. Because it's Peon Food, and Meat can expensive, most Classic, South of the Border Chili recipes just have the Beans, because when the Banditos show up and steal your pigs and chickens and you don't have the Magnificient 7 to help your village, that's all you had to eat!

Moral of the Story: If you want to have Meat in your Chili, carry a Gun.

Robert said...

Of course chili has beans! Talking completely out of my a...hat here, but chili has beans because:

A) Chili was a way for cookie to make use of the cattle who broke a leg, etc. on the trail and weren't gonna make it to market.

B) Man cannot (unfortunately) live by meat alone.

C) Properly stored dried beans exist quite happily in the chuck wagon pantry parctically forever.

D) Beans stetch the food budget.

E) Profuse cowboy flatulence keeps the predators away.

F) My mom says so.

WV: efalng 'e flang it over yonder outta tha way.

Robert said...

Sigh. Comment BEFORE the gin 'n tonic, not after.

Parctically is slightly less usefull than practically.

eflang is longer than efalng.

Preview is my friend.

Jeez, I really gotta be sober when I type...

Mongo said...

Beens gud.
Luv beens.

Heath J said...

Beans are good, but not in chili, ya heathen Yankee bastards.

And this story would've been way better with 3 dead aggressors. Sports of any kind are a really stupid reason to destroy property, let alone kill or maim people.