Friday, May 27, 2011

Lend A Helping Hand...

John Richardson, who I had the pleasure of meeting at the 2011 NRA Convention, has a bleg.

Thanks to reader P.T. we have our own form-letter generator to submit comments to the Office of Management and Budget on the ATF's proposed multiple rifle sale reporting requirement for the Southwest border states. There is a pre-written letter in the generator which you can modify as you wish.

Please forward this to all your friends, family, and others you know who believe in preserving our gun rights and freedoms. This really is an "Army of Davids" approach to use the Instapundit's term. Unlike the Brady Campaign and Mayor Bloomberg's Illegal Mayors, this is a totally grassroots effort done in less than 24 hours. We didn't need a grant from the Joyce Foundation to put this together!
The form is at the link. If you're so inclined, use the form to register your opposition to the ATF's proposal. It's five minutes of your time, and helps to counteract the astroturf of the anti-freedom antigunners. Fill in the form, hit "Submit" and it does the work for you.

Expressing your disapproval of the ATF's shenanigans has never been this easy!

That is all.


Nancy R. said...

Done and done.

wolfwalker said...

However, you'd do better to note down the recipient's address and then write your own letter, in your own words. One obviously-personally-written letter is given much more weight then ten or twenty form letters. Maybe more (so I've heard) than fifty or a hundred.

Old NFO said...

Done here too!

PT said...

Thanks Jay!

PT said...

~2300 comments within the last 48 hours. Thanks for everyone's submissions.

As a note to wolfwalker, when they closed the 2nd comment period, the ATF reported to Reuters that 70% of comments were in favor of the proposal. When John over at No Lawyers checked their numbers he discovered that thousands of the pro-comments were carbon copies of each other, the result of an automated email program. Unfortunately the ATF was just counting pro or against comments. They don't seem to actually read what is in the comment except to determine if you are pro or anti the proposal. That's why MAIG's auto emailer worked so well.