Thursday, June 30, 2011


Stretch sends in this story from right here in the Volksrepublik:

Body found in public pool 2 days after victim drowned
FALL RIVER (FOX25 / - The body of a Fall River woman was discovered floating in a state run pool late last night, two days after she apparently drowned in that same pool.

Police say lifeguards were on duty and people were swimming in the Veterans Memorial pool at Lafayette Park Sunday, Monday and Tuesday and it appears no one noticed the dead body.

I don't know. There's a sentiment in the comments to the story that there's more here than meets the eye, and I'm inclined to agree. The past two days here have been gorgeous; it's hard to imagine that the pool would have been empty so that no one would have noticed a dead body for two whole days. Even on the bottom that'd be pretty darn hard to miss - not to mention, the pool should be cleaned more than once a week.

I suspect there's more to the story here; at least I'd sure like to think there is. It's positively frightening and ghoulish to think that this woman died on Sunday and her body floated in a public pool for nearly three days before anyone said something. I mean, I know the denizens of my state are pretty darn clueless - read my "Road Rage" rants lately? - but this is a new low even for Massachusetts.

But then again, how long did Teddy leave Mary Jo floating?

That is all.


Robert McDonald said...

I've love to see that coroners report. I'm betting tap water in the lungs or a cause of death other than drowning.

Weer'd Beard said...

Something's up. I spent a lot of time at the muni-pool in my home town be it for a swim, swim team, or hanging out with friends who worked there.

I've opened the pool on several occasions. The water is like glass, and you'll notice #1 no people in the pool, and #2 any foreign body (pun intended) on the bottom.

Either foul play, or life guards and maintenance staff that are pure 100% lazy incompetence.

Anonymous said...

Yep I'll call BS on this. As D-Beard said we always checked the pool before opening and at closing. You had water tests and minor maintaince to do everyday.

A body would stick out like the turd in the pool.


Bubblehead Les. said...

I'm guessing she was drowned the night before somewhere else by a someone who worked at/ had access to the Pool, and dumped there.

But no one noticed her floating for 3 days? Pull the other one.

I wonder if she was scheduled to testify in one of your many Corruption Trials, though.

Weer'd Beard said...


heh, I LIKE it! : ]

Paul, Dammit! said...

No sir, I don't buy it either.

Reminds me of the town of Weymouth, when a local bookie was shot repeatedly in the back and it was ruled a suicide.

Anonymous said...

The only part that makes me think maybe there ISNT more to the story is the part about the 9yr old boy trying to tell lifeguards that she didnt come up from the slide at the time, and being ignored.

Ruth said...

Now they're saying that while the body was in the pool it was "inspected" twice!? Remind me never to go swimming there....