Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Things That Make Me Smile.

Submachine guns. Massachusetts submachine guns. Bloggershoot attendee stickman sends in the following picture from a recent shoot:

Money-to-noise converters

Stickman labels these as his Israeli girlfriend and his buddy's German honey. Heh.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I have had a chance to shoot both of those types of subguns.
As it turns out I prefer the Swedish "K" and the Madsen M50 to them.
The sights on the H&K are very good though.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Hmm. Since the Blogshoot will be in a Free State, I'm sure that those who have all their ATF Permission Slips could bring a Full-Auto Bullet Launcher, right? But Mass allows it's non-Police Comrades to have Full Auto Goodness within the confines of the Commonwealth? Enquiring Minds would like to know.

Jay G said...


Yes, full-auto fun is perfectly legal in MA.

Provided, of course, you feed your machine gun with pre-ban magazines. Wouldn't want anyone to get *hurt* by those newfangled high capacity magazines...

Geodkyt said...

CT is also weird -- apparantly, you can have an NFA-registered machinegn, but God forbid it has an evil "selector" switch! So you can have semi-only, and full auto-only, but a selective fire gun is "more dangerouser".