Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bringin' the Classy...

Mopar sends me yet another instance of the classy left...

Video Game Allows Players to Slaughter "Tea Party Zombies" Like Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly
Have you ever fantasized about beating Bill O'Reilly to death with a crowbar or shooting up the offices of Americans for Prosperity with an Uzi? Well, the folks at StarvingEyes Advergaming apparently have and they'd like to share their latest creation with the world. The game is called "Tea Party Zombies Must Die" and, apart from abysmal game play, features several different levels where your only objective is to mercilessly slaughter everyone around you whether they are a Fox News stars or simply Americans For Prosperity employees.
I know you've all seen the shocking exposé that CNN did on this story by now, but... No, wait, there *was* no news on it.

Imagine, if you will, if a right-leaning group put out a FPS game with left-wing politicians. Think the media would ignore it? If all of a sudden Chris Matthews, George Soros, and Helen Thomas were to make a guest appearance in "Left Wing Chainsaw Deathmatch", exactly how many picoseconds would elapse between the launch and the first boycott?

It's not that such a game exists - hell, I don't care. They can have all the violent fantasy video games they want; when it comes to the actual violence, they want the state to be the only player, and they don't want to be anywhere near it. Oh, they'll talk a great game, but when the rubber meets the road they're the ones cowering under their desks, not throwing down.

It's the screamingly obvious double standard that pisses me off. Let a right-leaning group put something like this out, the outrage would be loud, prolonged, and nationwide. We'd be hearing about this all day, every day for weeks - how those evil, violent right wing terrorists want to round up the lefties, etc. You wouldn't be able to open a newspaper without seeing the word "fascist" being thrown around like a beachball at Fenway.

But fantasize about killing Sarah Palin? Oh hell, that's just boys being misogynist boys...

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Actually played a single round. Wasn't all that infuriating because the graphics are REALLY muddy so you really need to strain to see that the zombies are real people...and when you do, you think "Who doesn't want to his Bill O'Reilly from time-to-time with a crowbar?"

The big point is what a horribly lame game it is. Pretty much DOOM style gameplay with worse graphics, worse play control, and from what I played less weapons.

Also the game went from I got hit once doing something ballsy, to getting killed within seconds.

This is somebody attempting to use controversy to cover their lack of talent.

And like just about anything from the far-left the violent hatred is only thinly veiled.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Commie Agit-Prop to feed the Shock Troops. I wouldn't worry, though. Most of the Sheeple who would support this kind of Crap don't own guns anyway.

Rifleman762 said...

What was that about violent rhetoric circa the Giffords shooting?

Anonymous said...

And of course the guy who created the game is originally from CT.

BenC said...

It did make Fox News

Daniel in Brookline said...

Instead of an equivalent game that puts the shoe on the other foot, how about just a video, "The Wit & Wisdom of the American Left".

Really, all you need to do is to quote them in their own words. They damn themselves just fine with their own mouths.

If the Republican Party has any brains at all, that will be a big part of the 2012 campaign -- just playing choice Obama / Biden doubletalk, in context, and reminding America how ridiculous they are. For bonus points, show how easy it is to get Obama to contradict today what he said yesterday, all the while intoning "as I have always said"...

Ted N said...

Daniel: I'm trying to remember the quote about people wondering if your stupid, keep your mouth shut and don't give them any evidence.

I'm with you on the say nothing, just quote the lefties dumb shit tactic.

WV: roomes. BO and Marx'd be great roomes.