Tuesday, September 20, 2011

For The Kilted... Scout?

Reader ed sends in this interesting link:

Wood Badgers: Highland Dress and the Boy Scout Uniform

A question was recently posed to the Clan MacLaren Society of North America, Ltd.: How can one wear Highland dress AND the Boy Scout uniform?

This is an easy one to answer: The Highland dress Boy Scout uniform would be official Boy Scout uniform from the waist up and Highland Dress from the waist down with a few tweaks.

Just in case you have a Scout event coming up and wanted to remain Kilted To Kick Cancer...

That is all.


Hunter said...

Wear the Scout uniform shirt, with all appropriate appurtenances, and your kilt. Easy. Look around at a Highland Gathering and notice all the Scottish American Military Society members doing just that with their military shirts and awards.

Dave H said...

You are correct. For the tweaks below the waist, the bottom third of our summer uniform when I was a Scout was perfect for a kilt: olive calf-length stockings, garters with green or red tabs, and leather boots.

I thought you were kidding when you said it was a question, but I'll be darned if I can find a photo of the proper legwear now. Time has marched on. I guess that means the bear pelt winter uniform is no longer used now, too.

ASM826 said...


A kilt in MacLaren tartan would be most Scouty. For historical reasons. Ask the holder of a set of Wood Badge beads.

Walks away singing, "I used to be a Bobwhite and a good old Bobwhite, too..."

Old NFO said...

I've seen Brit "Scouts" dressed like that...

Ed said...

After reading your 9/10/11 blog on recruiting for your Cub Scout Pack, I hoped that as a Cub Scout Leader you had undergone training for your position (such as Pack Committee Member or Den Leader) and were now eligible for Wood Badge Training, the advanced Scout leadership course for all levels of Scouting - Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop and Venture Crew. Wood Badgers (graduates of Wood Badge training) are honorary members of clan MacLaren, and may wear that tartan as part of their Scout uniform. At a minimum, there is a small rectangle of MacLaren tartan on their buff-colored neckerchiefs. During my training, one of the instructors was a Scot. We received a live demonstration of the proper wearing of that uniform variant. The instructor was also a member of the USMC at some point, so he received many compliments on his legs.

Cub Scouting also has Shooting Sports Instructor training, where you learn to teach range safety and shooting skills in BB rifles and archery to Cub Scouts at Council and District-run events. They love it and are safer for having done it.