Saturday, October 8, 2011

Haven't Done This In A Bit...

Is Saturday. Is Vicious Circle time. VC # 111 (Eleventy!) is up for your listening "pleasure".

Please join alan, Weer'd beard, Breda, Gay Cynic, Laura & Chris and I as we discuss the OCCUPY [insert your city name here] movement and the socialists/anarchists/hippies behind said "movement". There's a spirited (meaning Jay gets all ranty) discussion about the usefulness of unions (or lack thereof; you make the call where your humble host falls on that side of the argument); some talk on the coming economic apocalypse; and a discussion of whether or not Crisco is food...

Vicious Circle: We traumatize more people before breakfast than other podcasts do all day...

That is all.


jetfxr69 said...


That's "eleventy-one". ;)


Weer'd Beard said...

Boy was I suprised. Was sitting in the armory, having a Soda, thinking there wasn't going to be a VC this weekend....and my Skype rings.

Good times!