Friday, October 7, 2011

No Bias Here!

Brown On Warren Keeping ‘Clothes On’ Remark: ‘Thank God’

BOSTON (CBS) — U.S. Sen. Scott Brown took a jab at opponent Elizabeth Warren on a Boston radio station on Thursday, saying “Thank God” to Warren’s comment that she kept her clothes on to pay for her college education.

In response, Warren said, “I will survive a few jabs from Scott Brown over my appearance. “

If you don't start none, there won't be none. If you can't take it, don't dish it out. My #1 blogson isn't so kind to poor Ms. Warren. I loved this part, though:

“I thought it was pretty rude. I get what she said was a little derogatory, but she didn’t slam his looks. He made her sound ugly. Inappropriate, especially when you’re running for office,” said Julie Kavanagh.

Right. And making light of how Brown made money to put himself through college is appropriate?

Look, I swept floors and painted houses to put myself through college. If I looked like Scott Brown, I might have posed for Cosmo, too. What he did was perfectly legal, harmed no one, and paid the bills. If Warren wants to remind the people of Massachusetts that they have *one* Senator who worked for everything he has, mission accomplished.

What I don't like is the double standard espoused by the media here. "It all started when he hit me back" doesn't work for my kids, it's certainly not going to work for my Senatorial candidates. Warren knows that her positions are too extreme even for Massachusetts, so she's resorting to taking cheap shots at Scott Brown over what he did 25 years ago? Seriously? This is the best she's got?

But, you know, mean ol' Scott Brown had to go and pick on her over her looks. Wah! Wah! Misogynist! Meanie! Personally, I like it that Brown wasn't afraid to hit back with a non-PC comment. Warren knew full well what she was being set up for with the question, and in typical liberal mean-spiritedness ran with it. Coakley tried to make Brown's Cosmo appearance an issue in 2010, and it wasn't an issue then.

Of course, no one on the left has anything to say about the Senior Senator from MA and his botox injections, speaking of appearances...

That is all.

1 comment:

Mad Saint Jack said...

Cosmo kilt and fan issue...