Thursday, November 10, 2011

Semper Fi...

Happy 236th Birthday, USMC!

I figure others have said it better, and with more feeling, but I have a secret weapon: a very cute picture of a little girl with one of the best known Marines:

(picture borrowed from my #1 blogdaughter)

Semper Fi Marines!

That is all.


Bubblehead Les. said...

THAT picture shows why, if you are a U.S. Citizen trapped in Harms Way, you WANT to hear the words "United States Marine!" when the door crashes open.

Semper Fi to Jarheads Everywhere.

Dave H said...

That photo is just begging for a caption:

"Hello, Sally! Do you like watermelons?"

Happy Birthday, Marine Corps, and thank you for remaining semper fidelis.

Brad_in_IL said...


Great post. Great pic. Win, win, win.

You gonna post a pic of a Druid tomorrow?

- Brad

Old NFO said...

Semper Fi Jarheads!