Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I Am An Evil Person...

Because I read the following story and thought "HELL YEAH"...

Killer of 11-year-old Denver boy slain in prison
A man who in 2000 killed an 11-year-old boy and threw him into a Littleton trash bin was killed under "suspicious circumstances" at Sterling Correctional Facility, officials said.

Lyle Brent White was pronounced dead at Denver Health Medical Center on Thursday, according to Michelle Weiss-Samaras, spokeswoman for the Denver Coroner's Office.

Is it too bloodthirsty of me to hope that the "suspicious circumstances" were that his head was caved in by a large rock?

The rational, thinking side of me knows that vigilante justice has no place in a civilized society and that "jailhouse justice" is antithetical to what our corrections institutions need to be. If prisoners cannot serve their sentence without fear of violence from other inmates, it puts everyone from the law enforcement officers on the street to the judges and lawyers to jail guards at risk. It also illustrates why leaving the death penalty off the table entirely is foolhardy - it removes the only punishment option available for a criminal already serving a life sentence.

The side of me that's a father to a (nearly) 11 year old boy merely hopes the bastard suffered greatly before he died.

That is all.


Weer'd Beard said...

Yep, I find my tear-tank empty for this jerk.

Do despicable things, people hate you. People hate you and do despicable things back at you.

I won't say it's right...I'm just saying it is.

Anonymous said...

If you act like an animal, you will be placed in a cage with other animals- who then act like animals. Isn't that a bit of a cautionary tale?

Anonymous said...

You aren't evil. You are a realist and you see the world as it is...and human beings can be awfully evil. I shed no tears for this smegma.

Dave H said...

I've heard it said that even in prison, people who hurt children are looked down on.

Personally, I gave up on wanting vengeance on evil people a long time ago. Quick death, slow death, doesn't matter. It's one less monster in the world.

Marty said...

It's not wrong to want certain people to get off your planet...

DaddyBear said...

No shame in not wanting someone who hurts children to stop wasting oxygen.

Stretch said...

Nope, can't seem to muster any sympathy for the bastard.
Back in my (very) short C.O. career child molesters were the bottom rung of the Jail Social Ladder.
Space permitting they were usually kept in isolation for their own safety.

Mikael said...

As far as I'm concerned, child molesters should be given the death penalty by default, assuming the evidence linking them to the crime is watertight.

So I can only say this was a good thing, done in a suboptimal way.

I'm not even talking vengeance, or even justice here, just merely that these monsters are highly recidivistic, and I'd rather have them dead than chance them doing it again.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Shame he wasn't able to be added to the DGC. Oh well, amazing what a carton of Smokes can get you in some Big Houses.

Ed said...

Some equate total government control with total safety, which does nothing to explain what happens in jails and prisons.

TOTWTYTR said...

They don't have big rocks in prison any longer, but since many prisons have shops of various types where they try to teach the prisoners skills they can use to make money without committing crimes I'd guess something else.

Like some pipe. Or a hammer. Maybe a shiv loving machined in the machine shop.

Or drowned.

Or set on fire. (not likely, but we can hope)

Probably not shot.

It doesn't matter because at last we are assured that this scum won't kill anyone else.